but i think you win this one. i believe evil dead is the first of the series. and he says it in that one...although i think at the start of army he says it again.
actully it was army of darkness. whoreable got it. and you called them fools hex. although i was thinking of the part where ash was cutting his hand off and it ran around and flipped him off. but it was army that it was from. your up whoreable.
I did call them fools and i now regret it because i become the fool. I thought about it for a moment though and almost rebuked them but i wasn't that sure of myself. I'm still immature enough to open my mouth in such a mannor that i later regret it. Another lesson learned the hard way.
I don't know why but I immediately thought of Dennis Leary when I saw that quote Gato. The only movies I know of that he was in are "Two if by Sea" and "The Ref".