Guess the Movie

unclehobart said:
Mine: Gonna make you squeal like a pig, boy!

I've never seen that movie but have heard that clip so many times on the radio... I can hear the banjo's now... That would be Deliverance.

*guessing on ku'u's behalf because she's at my desk*


or, as ku'u put it ... "the Burt Reynolds one .. that stoopid one .. I hate it know .. rafting down the river .. I hate it ... that stoopid one .. the cool part is the fiddle ..."

greenfreak said:
unclehobart said:
Mine: Gonna make you squeal like a pig, boy!

I've never seen that movie but have heard that clip so many times on the radio... I can hear the banjo's now... That would be Deliverance.


helllllooooooo ok is it ignore Greenfreak day? Why didn't anyone tell me? I know... because you're all ignoring me.

I already posted the next quote...

You lost today, kid. But that doesn't mean you have to like it.
*peepwall* sorry 'bout that greenie ... I didn't see that ... I was just peeking over nalani's shoulder as she was scrolling ... I only saw unc's quote.

*guessing your quote*
Hmmm ... nothing is coming to mind.
Shadowfax said:
no, indiana jones and the last crusade...

Sheesh... yer right. I don't think I've seen that one but twice. For some reason we never got any of the IJ movies on vhs. Give us our next one Shadow...