Guess the Movie

Luis G said:
older?.........gone with the wind? :D

Not quite that old, but not far off actually... hmm. Didn't realize just how old it was when I posted it.

I guess a bigger hint is in order...

More quotes:

Hero: I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings.


Old Man: Do you like orchids?
Hero: Not particularly.
Old Man: Ugh. Nasty things. Their flesh is too much like the flesh of men, and their perfume has the rotten sweetness of corruption.

If you've seen it, those should help. :)

...muahaha! i know everything! muahaha![/siz]


sorry i borrowed your line was an emergency[/siz]
Shadowfax said:

Umm... I knew that you knew... I was just making a joke. Get it?

We're not related, we're married.

It was a joke...

Well, it was a joke to me, anyway.

Are you sure you don't mess with that stuff?

Shadow--> :smoke2;

:p :)

I get it now.

funny. we both laughed, but for different things who both have the same origin.

the world is a queer place, isn't it? :)

Ardsgaine your quote isn't quite on the tip of my tongue...but it's bouncing around somewhere in a part of my brain that i don't often visit. greenfreak does that to me all the time. I know it's something i've watched recently but i just....can't.... it.
HeXp£Øi± said:
Ardsgaine your quote isn't quite on the tip of my tongue...but it's bouncing around somewhere in a part of my brain that i don't often visit. greenfreak does that to me all the time. I know it's something i've watched recently but i just....can't.... it.

I thought maybe this one would do it:

Hero: I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings.

It's a classic line for this actor. When I was first going to quote this movie I tried to find the entire thing he says, but it wasn't on IMDB. I just found it by search the net, though. Here's the whole quote:

Girl: You know, I don't see what there is to be cagey about, Mr. ____. And I don't like your manners.
Hero: I'm not crazy about yours. I didn't ask to see you. I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them long winter evenings. And I don't mind your ritzing me, or drinking your lunch out of a bottle, but don't waste your time trying to cross-examine me.

Anyway... only an hour and forty-five minutes to go. :)
Shadowfax said:
geez. YES. i cheated...or at least tried to. i googled! :eek:

but with no, this sucks :(


Want me to PM you and put you out of your misery?

Edit: *snicker*

"put you out of your memory" :rolleyes:

Doh! :retard: