Guess the Movie

aaaw shucks greenfreak.....
unclehobart said:

Started to write that, but wasn't sure. Ah, well... it's been awhile, and I only saw it two or three times. That really was a great line though. Right up there with "she had great taste." :p
unclehobart said:
too complicated. :) How about? Luke, I am your father!

that or you failed your majesty im a jedi like my father before me.

"They shot Fritz! Those lousy, stinking, yellow fairies shot Fritz!"

another from fritz that should be obvious: I KILLED THE JOHN I KILLED THE JOHN!!!!!!!
:confuse3: Where are we with this... Does someone have a quote up for grabs?

I've never seen Wizards... maybe I should rent it this weekend. :)
unclehobart said:
Ardsgaine said:
unclehobart said:
Perhaps we should come up with a thread devoted to absolute dead giveaway movie lines.

You mean just quote movies to each other? Sounds like a Saturday night hanging out with my old college roommates...

"It's just a flesh wound!"

"What hump?"

"Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!"

"Well, I got better..."

"I'm glad you changed your name, you son-of-a-bitch."

"It's-a wafer thin..."

Etc... add nausea... :p
I dont think many people have seen Wizards. That line would probably be considered normal strength.

Fritz, they killed Fritz, those lousy stinking yellow fairies... ;)
unclehobart said: 4mg d/l for ya ards... worth every penny of the wait. :D

Do I need to chase the children out before I listen to it?