Here's the deal...
Someone posts a quote from a movie. The next person who guesses it correctly posts their own quote and so on. A few rules to keep it going:
1. NO GOOGLING. That's called cheating. Please be fair.
2. Anyone can confirm that a quote is correct if they're sure or have checked it against or something like that.
3. If someone guesses it right but doesn't post a new quote in the next 24 hours, it's up for grabs to the next person who posts after the day is up.
4. No posting quotes out of turn.
5. If a quote is up for more than 24 hours, the person who posted it has to say what it is and give up their turn.
6. Clues can be posted if the person who posted the quote wants to
Because we're from all over the world, movies that are widely known would probably be better to post.