Gun Control


100% Pure Canadian Beef
I guess it doesn't work...

except Canada's Murder Capital (edmonton) is SAFER than the US's 3rd safest city (Colorado springs)

Bite me Heston.
How many of those murders are committed with guns? Knives? Ninja stars or numchucks? The point is, if guns were outlawed, I'd venture to guess gun deaths would go down and knife deaths would go up, and the effect on the overall murder rate wouldn't be all that much. Getting rid of guns without working on the actual CAUSES of murder is just stupid.
Inkara1 said:
How many of those murders are committed with guns? Knives? Ninja stars or numchucks? The point is, if guns were outlawed, I'd venture to guess gun deaths would go down and knife deaths would go up, and the effect on the overall murder rate wouldn't be all that much. Getting rid of guns without working on the actual CAUSES of murder is just stupid.

we did work on the actual cause, tim hortons called the homocidal instinct.
paul_valaru said:
see that, and being a nation of gun nuts, makes you guys have more murders.

Perhaps its just too cold for you folks to murder, eh? Most murders happen in the summer months.
unclehobart said:
Can you state reasonable facts without resorting to specious hyperbole?

He just forgot that Canada has less than half of the population of the US. :D
Actually, I suspect that has more to do with the efficiency of (and the fewer of restraints put on) law enforcement than it probably does to do with gun control.
chcr said:
Actually, I suspect that has more to do with the efficiency of (and the fewer of restraints put on) law enforcement than it probably does to do with gun control.

Mayhap...but I'm still banking on population pressure. The more people you have, the greater the propensity for violence.
Inkara1 said:
How many of those murders are committed with guns? Knives? Ninja stars or numchucks? The point is, if guns were outlawed, I'd venture to guess gun deaths would go down and knife deaths would go up, and the effect on the overall murder rate wouldn't be all that much. Getting rid of guns without working on the actual CAUSES of murder is just stupid.

I would disagree with the knives comments. I don't know it will fall much, if at all. Because then only the criminals would have guns if outlawed. Though with knives I would say that homocide rate would rise. And then we would be a nation of blade nuts :retard3:
Gato_Solo said:
Mayhap...but I'm still banking on population pressure. The more people you have, the greater the propensity for violence.
That's certainly true.
Do you have a point to make, Paul? Or is this just another chance for you to insult Americans? Coz, y'know, I've driven the length of the US and I've yet to be shot at ....or even see a gun ...... even tho 3 of the houses I visited were the property of 'gun nuts' and I know for a fact that they had guns there.

On the other hand, up here in canada, one of my old neighbours had dynamite in his garage, and showed me his guns. Even showed them to Bish .... even tho they'd only met 10 minutes earlier.

And another neighbour ..... at an earlier house(rowhousing) .... in Longueuil ..... had a bullet fly across their diningroom table ..... while they were eating ...... from the neighbour on the opposite side.

But if that's your stance on guns, and it's absolute ...... I'd hold off on coming up to my cottage. All kinds of gun nuts up there.

And Gato ...... try ..... a tenth the population ...... and a substantial number of them can't even get to their neighbour without motorized transportation.
SouthernN'Proud said:

Spomebody please explain to me how a friggin coffee house is tied into crime statistics analysis?
It's a Canuckistani thing. You don't want to understand it. ;)