Gun Control

hell yeah with the temp going to 115 today
and 3.7 million people
you'd think they could get more folks to sign up than that!
Winky said:
there currently two serial killers running loose in this town


And by and large, serial killers don't use guns. They use Canadian murder methods like stabbing, skinning, strangulation, and just plain old beating. Safer that way...less likely to shoot yer balls off while eviscerating a 19 year old hooker.
yeah I got into an argument about the label 'serial' for these two guys

spree killer defines the one guy

robber\rapist the other

yeah small caliber (quiet) pistols do the job when properly used

certainly when your victim unarmed and totally unaware
SouthernN'Proud said:
Say that to my face and I'll blow your damn head off!


uhmm depends whether you are here, or there.

if there, and you are armed I will say guns are an important part of life.

(not mouthing off to armed people is another reason our murder rates are lower.)
The kind of person who becomes a serial killer doesn't strike me as the kind of person who would follow gun regulations...
paul_valaru said:
uhmm depends whether you are here, or there.

if there, and you are armed I will say guns are an important part of life.

(not mouthing off to armed people is another reason our murder rates are lower.)

Since I WON'T be there, I guess that part's settled then.

If here, and at home, I am armed, so yeah I'd say that becomes a vital part of one's life, and the continuation thereof.

Not mouthing off to people in general is a fairly good idea methinks. Knowing that the other person might be strapping tends to keep tempers in check pretty good.
Altron said:
The kind of person who becomes a serial killer doesn't strike me as the kind of person who would follow gun regulations...

Now now now, you must be a good liberal, and assume that EVERYONE follows the rules and thereby allows the sun to shine out their ass at all times.
oh, thats right, almost forgot that we live in the liberal states of canada.

since there are no bad people who break gun laws, theres no reason to have a gun to defend yourself against them. actually, since they wont use guns to hurt people, theres no reason to have gun control.

*head explodes*
Once again, I would like to point out that Paul does not represent Canada in any world without a mauve-tinted sky.
nope, I represent a portion of Canada, and Prof represents another portion, and still others represent other portions.

While we do have rather strict gun laws here (especially strict on hand guns) no large majority seems to mind. While in the states every up-date on gun laws whether making them stricter, or looser is cause for huge uproars.

I think the murder stats represent a cultural diffrence rather than a diffrence in gun contol laws. Some countries where almost everyone is armed, or has easy access to arms, have lower murder rates per capita.
paul_valaru said:
I think the murder stats represent a cultural diffrence rather than a diffrence in gun contol laws. Some countries where almost everyone is armed, or has easy access to arms, have lower murder rates per capita.

I like your attitude, have you thought of immigrating?
Why not say that in the first place intsead of whipping out the 'nation of gun nuts' bs? Its a much more effective argument that would draw a more civilized discourse.. which would be a welcome change over the standard vapid insult parade.
paul_valaru said:
I think the murder stats represent a cultural diffrence rather than a diffrence in gun contol laws. Some countries where almost everyone is armed, or has easy access to arms, have lower murder rates per capita.


Please excuse me while I try to cover my ass.
Winky said:
Gun control is hitting what you aim at!


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Thursday voted to prohibit the confiscation of legally owned guns during an emergency like last year's Hurricane Katrina, marking another victory for the gun lobby.

Citing the constitutional right to bear arms, Vitter said that during an emergency people should be allowed to hold onto "legally possessed firearms to defend your life, your property" at a time when telephone lines and cell phones probably are not operating and victims "can't reach out to law enforcement authorities."

Sen. Edward Kennedy, a Massachusetts Democrat, called the amendment "pay-back time by the National Rifle Association," a powerful lobbying group that opposes gun controls.
paul_valaru said:
see that, and being a nation of gun nuts, makes you guys have more murders.

the other paul_valaru said:
I think the murder stats represent a cultural diffrence rather than a diffrence in gun contol laws.

'Fess up. Your real name is John Kerry isn't it?