Haircut :(


Well-Known Member
I have been dragged ot Kids Kuts for a haircut yesterday :(
My hair wasn't even long :(
I hate haircuts :(
lol, just get the shortest possible trim (1 or 3.5, whatever it is in your area)... :) Girls like short hair ;) They like rubbing your head when the hair is like fuzzy.... ;):D
i used to have long hair, and i'd cry my eyes out, while still in the chair, even... when i got it trimmed :(
oddly, when i got a foot of it chopped off, i was grinning ear to ear.

got any pics, altron?
Jerrek said:
lol, just get the shortest possible trim (1 or 3.5, whatever it is in your area)... :) Girls like short hair ;) They like rubbing your head when the hair is like fuzzy.... ;):D fav hair is hair that is kinda like Kelso's on That 70's Show. It's good for running your fingers through and holding onto and stuff :D
I would love to claim the title of hair-maximus ... but I must defer that title to Kuu and grovel in the sand like the unworthy worm that I am. Shes half hair by body weight.
i like my hair short, but i can usually find a million things to do other than go get it cut so it's been gettin' pretty shaggy lately, i'm not used to it so i have no idea what to do with, usually just don't do anything.
I'd say Unc could claim the title of Male Hair-Maximus... but those two guys in ZZ Top have him beat with their beards alone.
Damn, I should have taken a pic before the haircut, then you could see how nice it was, now it is all short :(
I hate haircuts :(
/me is confused :confbang:
lol my mom told me my hair looked like "Foxy Cleopatra" from Austin Powers :)