Have a great Hallowe'en weekend

Every year, we do a parade down my street. It lets out right in front of the house, so we get a flood of kids about 6:30, and it's almost over by 7:30.

Anyway, I'm sure we'll have a crapload of pics. I'll try to post a few of the best ones.
We have another minor rush about 9 when the kids from surrounding apartment complexes start to get bussed in and dropped off en masse. That's a totally different type of trick-or-treater, often mixed in with teenagers who are really up to no good, so I start keeping a sharper eye out at that point.
Well....youngBish is a tiger this year. Mangled up a Tigger outfit to make it. He's used it twice so far (party yesterday and school today), plus I get to redo the makeup tonight for the collect of goodies. :D

MrsBish painted a pumpkin, I carved mine and lord knows what BishJr will do with his :)

I'll have to post pics later...much later. No digi-cam, so it's 35mm film, develop then scan :(

Oh well!

*At least, I get to tip-toe through the candy once the kid's asleep :)
Leslie said:
Avery told me I should dress up as a mummy and then laughed his ass off.


hahaha that kid is definately something else

*still laughs at the time he asked you if you'd out his skeleton on the back porch*
Nixy said:
Oh, and K62 is HOT!!

*runs and hides in the corner giggling all the way*
Aye! And look at that wonderful, obviously completely real, hair! I'm ever so jealous!

I have no idea what the kid is dressing up as, but I'm expecting him home to put it on any minute now. All I had to purchase was make-up.
Starya said:
I have no idea what the kid is dressing up as, but I'm expecting him home to put it on any minute now. All I had to purchase was make-up.
Well, here he is with his buddy.

I normally don't post pics including someone elses kids, but.. What the heck! :p
We carved pumpkins the other day-I did the cat in my AV, came out kewl...Mike jr. did a spider, and Matt did a regular pumpkin face, then we baked a halloween cake.
Last night Mikejr. was a paintballer......Matt was Frankenstein, and I was a witch, Yes even though i am one everyday I dressed for it...when the pics come back will post them :D . Was a great night, got lots O Candy, they did!
Well.... I actually managed to exhaust a 3 year old :D

We carved and painted his pumpkin, at supper quickly and went out from 6:30pm to 9pm. The last house being my folx place. He filled up his bag twice, and we barely gave out any candy at all, so we've got candy, chips and chocolate to last us until next summer.

Only one down side. One house had the traditional guy in a costume sitting on a chair outside and waiting to pounce on kidlets.
Thing is, my kid's 3 years old...not exactly comfortable with the 'fear' part of Halloween. So, instead of using good judgment and NOT leaping out at Bishjr...this guy gave it his 100%. Scared the crap out of my kid..almost literally. He didn't cry, but he didn't want to go to anyone's door for 30 minutes thereafter, even with Mama or Papa. Had himself a good'ol nightmare about it last night too.

IMHO...keep the fun part first and foremost for young kidlets (2-6). After that, the fear part is part of the fun.
Oh well... Will have pics this afternoon, providing that Walmart can get them developed fast enough. :D
We went out with a pack of kids and adults, it was fun. My biggest kid was too cool to go out with Mom, so he went out with friends for the first time, very weird and worrying, but Mom needs to get over it.

They each got a couple bags, I had cans of pop in my pockets, and when we decided to go home they were ready. Good time all round.

We weren't lucky enough to find a scaried up house, they were looking to no avail in the end.
I dressed as a mummy, but I didn't do the act for anyone under about 6. Even so, I scared the crap out of one of 'em. It ended OK, I whipped off the mask, slid on my glasses and talked him down.

Pics once they're uploaded.
HomeLAN said:
I dressed as a mummy, but I didn't do the act for anyone under about 6. Even so, I scared the crap out of one of 'em. It ended OK, I whipped off the mask, slid on my glasses and talked him down.

Pics once they're uploaded.
Kudos for going through the trouble of 'talking the kid down'!