New Member
Once again, my neighborhood was a war scene. The difference this year is that we had 3 cops walking the streets trying to keep the teens from getting too psychotic. I had 30 pounds of candy... about 1000 pieces... and 32 microwave popcorns for well done original costumes. We started out giving 3 pieces per kid, then when the bucket was only half full it dropped to 2. When it was getting low we had to break out the household reserves and knock it down to one per kid. Approximately 450 kids drifted on by in a 90 minute period of time. At three points, I distinctly remember packs of kids 9 wide and 6-10 deep swarming up the driveway and knocking my straw bale walls over and trying to swarm the candy bowl. I had to yell at the crowds at least three times to back the fuck off... which never worked. When the packs swarmed like that, all light got blotted out. That seemed to ignite 1 in 6 to try and get away with something. I had to heavily swat at least 8 hands that were grabbing by the fistfull or trying to sneaky double and triple-dip. Tonks knew one of the cops. He hung out for 15 minutes. That gave us a certain measure of civility for a moment.
I had to make 2 trash runs this year to clean off the lawn and street. The major article this year was soda cans. It seems that one of the nearby neighbors was giving out Sprite and Coke as well as candy... which was begging for trouble. I think I picked up 15 of them. Candy wrappers, shaving cream, silly string cannisters, and discarded inferior candy were in the usual amounts.
I had to make 2 trash runs this year to clean off the lawn and street. The major article this year was soda cans. It seems that one of the nearby neighbors was giving out Sprite and Coke as well as candy... which was begging for trouble. I think I picked up 15 of them. Candy wrappers, shaving cream, silly string cannisters, and discarded inferior candy were in the usual amounts.