Health Care

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Change. When something doesn't work you change it, unless you're a moron.

It's not broken. The system works exactly as it's supposed to work.

The next step after failure, of course, is then whining about the government not having done anything to prevent it. Yeah, I'm sure that works for most of you.

If it's not their job to interfere, there's nothing to whine about.

As for your imaginary commies...look into Obama & his tsars.
It's not broken. The system works exactly as it's supposed to work.
The sad thing is that you will continue to believe that right up until the moment that you need the system to work.

As for your imaginary commies...look into Obama & his tsars.

1. Obama's administration is not communist. In fact, if you'd move moderately beyond your childish prejudices you might notice that he is, in fact, more of the same. Slightly more attractive packaging, I'll grant you.

2. The tsars were not communist either. The "communists" removed the tsars from power. You really don't understand the difference, do you? I will grant you that "communist" Russia was certainly modeled after the tsarist regime, at least once Stalin's folks got their hands on the reigns. Might I humbly suggest that you abandon the propaganda and read some history?
Again, I ask you, or anyone, to brief me on our broken system. Not spikes "it sucks because we're not Sweden" nonsense but point out specific examples (non-financial).

As for your dimmissive rant about communism, perhaps if you'd get past your educated enlightenment (read:indoctrination) & see what is right before your eyes (and behind the scenes) your sight might improve.

If I am so dumb, perhaps you could explain where I'm incorrect. I've read & what I see is the indoctrination of a system. Not a shot will be fired in our will happen from the inside.
Again, I ask you, or anyone, to brief me on our broken system. Not spikes "it sucks because we're not Sweden" nonsense but point out specific examples (non-financial).

Everyone has given you a number of examples including me giving you my GF's specific case.

People with pre-existing conditions can't get insurance often times, people are droppped from their insurance, claims are denied, treatment is denied, people can't afford coverage, we pay twice as much for inferior care. Yet you keep up with your "I'd rather stick my head in the sand and scream "lalalallalalal" nonsense instead of being able to remember the shit that happened yesterday.
You know another funny bunch of bullshit that the insurance folks and right wingers are spewing is that illegal aliens health care will be paid for by them. What is hilarious about that is you already are paying for them! Have you not heard of public health hospitals?

But yes there are shitloads of horror stories where insurance companies scew their policy holders. They actually have people whose full time job is finding ways to deny legitimate claims. the insurance companies need to be made to play fair since they will not do so of their own volition. I always hear this bullshit about how they will go out of business. There is no doubt if they were held to better standards they would make less profit, but nothing near going out of business....

Oh wait, Gonz thinks things are peachy, so they must be!

People with pre-existing conditions can't get insurance often times, people are droppped from their insurance, claims are denied, treatment is denied, people can't afford coverage, we pay twice as much for inferior care.

You know another funny bunch of bullshit that the insurance folks and right wingers are spewing is that illegal aliens health care will be paid for by them. What is hilarious about that is you already are paying for them! Have you not heard of public health hospitals?

Oh good. Another reason to hate the government interference in private matters.

But yes there are shitloads of horror stories where insurance companies scew their policy holders. They actually have people whose full time job is finding ways to deny legitimate claims. the insurance companies need to be made to play fair since they will not do so of their own volition. I always hear this bullshit about how they will go out of business. There is no doubt if they were held to better standards they would make less profit, but nothing near going out of business....:rolleyes:

Have you ever READ your policy? Did you call your carrier in order to clarify something that wasn't clear?

Neither does anyone else. Yet, it's my fault you didn't read the fine print?
....Have you ever READ your policy? Did you call your carrier in order to clarify something that wasn't clear?

Neither does anyone else. Yet, it's my fault you didn't read the fine print?

Obviously selling someone a service and writing a legal loophole in so that you can fuck them over and not provide the service they paid for is absolutely good and fair business practice. It's even cooler when they pay for the service and then retroactively sue people for the money back isn't it? The government should drop their taxes every time they crush a policy holder like a bug, as an incentive for such a fine example of capitalism and raw greed! After all legally ripping folks off is what makes America great isn't it?

Not everyone is a sorely lacking in human compassion as you seem to be. Thank God for that too!
If you don;t like it or don't understand it DON'T SIGN IT.

Every time you sign your name you are entering into a legal contract. It's not my fault you failed to do your part by understanding it.
It wouldn't do any good! In order to get any kind of proper understanding one would have to have an attorney examine the contract. Just because they do rip people of, does that mean they should?

Gonz, I don't think it's possible to separate the two. Most of the complaints with the current system have to do with its pricing structure. You can't ignore all the financial aspects of the system, since those will be what determines how effective it is. Someone could open up the best hospital in the world, one that could cure every disease, but make it so expensive that no one, not even a billionaire, could afford it. Would it still be a good idea, from a purely medical perspective? Yup. But not from a combined medical/financial perspective. All repercussions, good AND bad (because only a fool thinks there are not both) of any possible reform need to be analyzed, not just a specific category.
It wouldn't do any good! In order to get any kind of proper understanding one would have to have an attorney examine the contract. Just because they do rip people of, does that mean they should?

I've never been ripped off. Neither has anyone I know. Several have had exceptions, which sucked, but nobody was ripped off. Just because you assume it to be covered doesn't mean it is.

Altron, my entire point is, there is no HEALTHCARE crisis. There are people who wish more coverage than they are willing to afford.

If the unaffordable hospital went out of busiess due to lack of income due to their pricing structure, noone would say a word. However, if a hospital must overcharge because people are stealing their services, in order to cover costs, why do people keep coming back & getting mad at the hospital for something they can't control?
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