Health Care

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I can't disagree with that.

I'm sayin', ...
I'm in the system and am therefor willing to take what I can get,
not argue for more.


Taking, by threat of loss of liberty, my earned wages, other earned monies & property, through taxes, infringes directly on every free American.

Bullshit, I suppose you want us to get rid of fire departments, police, FBI, CIA, and every other program our taxes support.

Every time the federal government gives away anything, it is stealing directly from your pockets. They do not have the authority to take from those who do & give to those who need.

They d have the authority to protect their citizens. To take from those that do and protect those that do.
I can't disagree with that.

I'm sayin', ...
I'm in the system and am therefor willing to take what I can get,
not argue for more.

You're willing to use a system that's working for you. You just don't want a lot of other people to be able to. As long as you get yours right?
How do you figure?

No, it's not. We pay at least twice as much for inferior care.

Government run systems have proven to be more efficient.

How do I figure? it'd take to long atm, and needs it's own thread

inferior ? I think not in the care department.

efficient? is somewhat scary, if taken over quality
You're willing to use a system that's working for you. You just don't want a lot of other people to be able to. As long as you get yours right?

not necessarily.

it's mostly about the incentive to me.
It took me 3 years to get in, and I understand why

I suppose you want us to get rid of fire departments
That is a local matter.

That is a local matter.

Under what authority do they exist?

As that is branches of the state dept & executive office, they fall under treaty categories. So long as the CIA does not conduct official business on Ameicans in America, they can stay

and every other program our taxes support

Only those not sanctioned by the Constitution.

They d have the authority to protect their citizens.

Yes, they do.

To take from those that do and protect those that do.

Sorry comrade, no they don't.
inferior ? I think not in the care department.

efficient? is somewhat scary, if taken over quality

I'm talking about better quality care for half the price = efficient. That is scary.

Maybe they could just make Medicare available for everyone since you don't have a problem with that government managed healthcare.
I'm talking about better quality care for half the price = efficient. That is scary.

Maybe they could just make Medicare available for everyone since you don't have a problem with that government managed healthcare.

how do you suppose to use less money to get better quality, and
why can't it be don't without gov. in the equation?

everybody in the system?
you want to fuck everybody up so much they have to be 'in the system'?
That is a local matter.

Doesn't matter. They're taking your tax dollars to protect people therefore you should be against it.

As that is branches of the state dept & executive office, they fall under treaty categories.

No, they don't.

Yes, they do.

Glad you agree. So now that we've established that the government has a right to protect it's citizens you can stop bitching. The biggest threats to our citizens are healthcare related.

Glad we're done with that.
how do you suppose to use less money to get better quality

By using proven models. The 30+ countries that have better healthcare than us are government run.

everybody in the system?
you want to fuck everybody up so much they have to be 'in the system'?

Why would we have to fuck everyone up in order to give them the option you have?
By using proven models. The 30+ countries that have better healthcare than us are government run.

Why would we have to fuck everyone up in order to give them the option you have?

as I've said, that first statement is opinion

as to that second part...
I just don't see that the money is there.
If the bank is broke, it's broke, and eventually Nobody gets needed help.
as I've said before....

there are areas that can be better, and I'm sure Some money to be saved,
instead of replacing the system to something in which people don't
know how the cards are stacked, doesn't make since.

There are good ideas out there that don't involve replacing, or destroying the current system.

I don't want to be cut off, and that's why I Am against more spending that
can't be afforded.
well since I've pissed people off on both sides now,
I'll bow out of this thread for the rest of the day, at least.
There are good ideas out there that don't involve replacing, or destroying the current system.

Yep, like how the idea to add a public option doesn't involve replacing or destroying the current broken system. It just adds another option.

I don't want to be cut off

I'm glad you like your government managed healthcare. People rate their satisfaction with Medicare much higher than private insurance. A lot of people would be very happy to have the same option as you.
Who do you think has your best interest at heart? Let's think about it.

Government healthcare like Medicare and Medicaid doesn't kick anyone off for any amount of needed care. The do require established methods be used, and require a doctor to advocate for you in the case of expensive cutting edge procedures, but generally will pay if your doctors believe it in your best interest as long as said procedures are not still wholly in the experimental range of treatments. Public outrage, and peoples expectations of government are high, so they cover you best they can. Government has checks and balances and appeals processes built in in the interest of fairness and in doing as best it can to serve it's people.

Private coverage on the other hand is interested only in money. They will not hesitate to lie to the government and they are filthy rich already so they have expensive attorneys in case you get uppity after you are denied. You on the other hand are sick and now spending your money hand over fist just to stay alive. Perhaps you will go running to government for their guaranteed care? If not, you better find a good "ambulance chaser", who works on contingency or you are just screwed!

Obviously private insurance is the way to go! Obama just wants to....




Insurance companies are benevolent. Medicare is evil! Ambulance chasers are bad! High power corporate attorneys for insurance companies care about you! Obama is the Antichrist!

Jebus will save us anyway, and the rupture is comin' so we ain't got long to worry about.....Have we?

It depends which Jesus or Jebus, yer talkin about!

There are a lot of "christians" that I sometimes would love to introduce to their god, cuz it sure ain't Jesus. In fact I think that is true of the majority (but certainly not all) of the hardcore "born again" fundamentalist types. Trouble is I have "spoken" with god and it seems that wasn't what he wanted out of me. I'm just here to be an honest computer repair guy and try to help my fellow alcoholics and addicts. I just vent steam here.
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