Health Care

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Here's a rational discussion healthcare reform. Amazing that people can be reasonable when talking about this.

Three strikes spike!

1. Conservatives automatically discount anything connected to Franken, (communist).

2. They have so many reasons to be bitter and have sour grapes about Franken, and since it is proven that conservatives are also much more prone to paranoia.... X

3. The two above things would prevent them from watching the video, which contains too many facts (which have never been able to sway conservatives) and does not contain paranoid fear based, emotionally frothy, hysterical propaganda they always buy into.


Well, our wonderful medicare health system was in action once again. The missus had to take my youngest into the hospital over the weekend. Sunday, so no clinics open anywhere so it had to be the ER. Broken out in a rash, fairly high fever for more than 24h, he get's seen. Well, 6 hours, with a toddler in the waiting room, noting but a vending machine with bags of chips for food .... finally see a doctor (this is a small, backwater hospital in a town of under 20,000). Can't be sure, maybe viral or bacterial (gee, you need a fucking degree to figure that out, son?) ... takes blood and a throat squab ... go home, keep him on tylenol. The throat squab will take 2 hours, the blood workup as much as 48h. OK, overnight, no phonecall. The next morning, I call the hospital looking for the results ... Sorry sir, they only phone if it's a positive result. Brilliant. So if the result is positive, but they've got the wrong number, you assume you're fine .... Brilliant.

Given that allergies are common in my family, this was a serious issue. Fortunately, this morning, the fever has subsided, although the rash is still there.
sounds like take 2 asprin, and call me in the morning type stuff.

getting closer to that all the time here it seems
Doesn't sound any different than you'd have gone through in my town of 8000, here where they make the big bucks!

Quit trying to scare the loacl wildlife please!

Doesn't sound any different than you'd have gone through in my town of 8000, here where they make the big bucks!

Quit trying to scare the loacl wildlife please!

I'm not 'trying' to do anything in that post, except express my opinion.

you sure are a judgmental one aren't you?
Well, our wonderful medicare health system was in action once again. The missus had to take my youngest into the hospital over the weekend. Sunday, so no clinics open anywhere so it had to be the ER. Broken out in a rash, fairly high fever for more than 24h, he get's seen. Well, 6 hours, with a toddler in the waiting room, noting but a vending machine with bags of chips for food .... finally see a doctor (this is a small, backwater hospital in a town of under 20,000). Can't be sure, maybe viral or bacterial (gee, you need a fucking degree to figure that out, son?) ... takes blood and a throat squab ... go home, keep him on tylenol. The throat squab will take 2 hours, the blood workup as much as 48h. OK, overnight, no phonecall. The next morning, I call the hospital looking for the results ... Sorry sir, they only phone if it's a positive result. Brilliant. So if the result is positive, but they've got the wrong number, you assume you're fine .... Brilliant.

Given that allergies are common in my family, this was a serious issue. Fortunately, this morning, the fever has subsided, although the rash is still there.

Roséolle - It's going around and fits the symptomatology as described. My nephew has it now.

**Oh...and in responce to how that is different from US hospitals. It would've been exactly the same, 'cept they would've charged you 400-600$ for the privilege first.
I never suggested it might be different. I point out the flaws to be resolved in our system before anyone should be suggesting using it as an example of a working system.

and for the record ... they fucking well did charge me. They just didn't have the good grace to wait until we showed up to bill us.
I wonder if anyone, anywhere can show me any system run by any government that doesn't have any flaws. It's hardly the point now, is it?
Then change companies.

As for flawed government programs...if they can't do them right, why do we keep adding new ones?
And yet the private insurance has far more flaws.

Then promote a voluntary public insurance plan. I've already said, Co-ops are the way to go if you don't want to support big corp. Applying some focus to the actually source of the problem instead of whitewashing it will go far further than endorsing a new tax plan.
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