Here is your bill

A majority of members of Iraq's parliament have signed a draft bill that would require a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. soldiers from Iraq and freeze current troop levels.

Parliment versus the people we went to assist in the first place. Big difference. But I agree with the base of your fact, I would be far more concerned if the Iraqis felt the opposite. They SHOULD want an eventual withdrawla.

My statements were directed at past events more so than future ones however. It strikes me that the majority of Iraqis are quite grateful for what was done for them. That's why I chose to use the phrase "has been done" instead of is being done or will be done. Context, Pedantic Man, context...:)
Dems Caught Lying Again---Whodathunkit?

Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.) and Rep. H. James Saxton (R-N.J.) attacked the report on "hidden costs" of the wars, calling its methodology flawed and asserting factual errors. The report, issued yesterday, said the war has cost nearly double the $804 billion in appropriations and requests for war funding thus far.

In a joint statement, the committee's Republicans called the report "another thinly veiled exercise in political hyperbole masquerading as academic research."

"All wars involve costs, and the war on terror is no exception," Brownback and Saxton said. "The Democrats' report would have benefited from more analysis and quality control, and less political content.

As we pointed out yesterday in calling for its retraction, the Democrats’ report contained many errors. However, today the web version of the report corrects at least 24 multibillion dollar mistakes summing to over $760 billion that appeared in the report as released yesterday. Many of these data were used as part of a prop that was the focus of the Democrats’ leadership press conference yesterday.

When erroneous information is injected into the public domain, those responsible are obligated to publicly withdraw this information. The Democratic leadership should publicly notify those to whom their report was distributed that it contains numerous errors. In the future, we recommend that the Democrats attach a warning label to their reports stating the following: This politically motivated report may contain erroneous information hazardous to informed decision-making.

To permit a flawed report to continue to circulate is very questionable. It is now beyond dispute that the report issued yesterday contains many factual errors and the Democrats should retract it.

In a statement, Mr Brownback and Mr Saxton said a number of "obvious errors" had been "quietly corrected" in the online version of the report without its authors alerting the press or public.

"In the rush to score political points, apparently no-one bothered to fact-check the report," the lawmakers said.

Congress: With the war in Iraq backfiring in their faces as a weapon against President Bush, Democrats have turned to Plan B: Bamboozle the taxpayers about the costs of fighting terrorist states.

Eyebrows were raised early this year when the Senate's chief Democratic fundraiser, Sen. Charles Schumer of New York, was made chairman of the Joint Economic Committee (JEC) — a panel on which he wasn't even a member.

The suspicion was that Schumer would scrap the JEC's serious economic analysis and make it his own political tool that plays fast and loose with numbers. That speculation became a reality Tuesday, as Schumer's JEC issued an outlandish report contending the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts would end up costing $3.5 trillion.

In truth, they seem to have slapped it together in time for Schumer and Reid to unveil the report's "findings" the week of anti-Iraq War votes in both the Senate and House that were doomed to fail.

On Wednesday, the day after the report's release, GOP members discovered that Democrats had quietly corrected on the JEC Web site "at least 24 multibillion dollar mistakes summing to over $760 billion that appeared in the report as released yesterday."

The dims tried to pass off their knowingly fraudulent report as the truth and got caught red-handed.

Their feeble attempt to undermine the war effort was demolished in less than 24 hours, and having been exposed as the liars they are they have been caught trying to fix the report.
Yep, the republicans are the ones wasting my money on this farce.

While the dems are moving heaven & earth to take your money & give it to you neighbor.

Which one is allowed by the Constitution?
Parliment versus the people we went to assist in the first place. Big difference.

The duly elected representatives that we made them elect. Typical argument though. Completely meaningless but typical. Either they represent the will of the people and the people want us out or they don't represent the will of the people in which case everything we've done over there is pretty much meaningless and they aren't any better off than they were with Saddam. What's your pleasure? :shrug:

Cerise, you can't mean that some politicians got caught in a lie can you? Whoda thunk it???
This recent attempt by the dems was meant to go hand in hand with with their newly passed Iraq war funding bill, which of course is another doomed effort from Pelosi and crew to force the President to withdraw troops from the war front.

Why do the dems continue to play games?
The duly elected representatives that we made them elect. Typical argument though. Completely meaningless but typical. Either they represent the will of the people and the people want us out or they don't represent the will of the people in which case everything we've done over there is pretty much meaningless and they aren't any better off than they were with Saddam. What's your pleasure? :shrug:

Cerise, you can't mean that some politicians got caught in a lie can you? Whoda thunk it???

Forced elections. I missed that one too. I remember the purple thumbs, but the part where voters were duckwalked to the polls by uzi-toting soldiers escaped me.
Forced elections. I missed that one too. I remember the purple thumbs, but the part where voters were duckwalked to the polls by uzi-toting soldiers escaped me.

You know what I meant. Way to completely misinterpret though. You can pat yourself on the back for that one if you want. :lloyd:

PS. Your response in no way addresses the question though.
While the dems are moving heaven & earth to take your money & give it to you neighbor.

Both sides do that. Although nobody spend like the current guys,

Which one is allowed by the Constitution?

The Constitution makes no mention of invading other countries that are no threat to us and prolonged occupation of foreign lands. In fact the founding fathers where adamantly against that type of thing.
Better off without Saddam? They seem to think so.

What makes it seem that way?

Many adults in Iraq believe the coalition effort has been negative, according to a poll by the Iraq Centre for Research and Strategic Studies and the Gulf Research Center. 90 per cent of respondents think the situation in their country was better before the U.S.-led invasion.

Most of them have wanted us to leave immediately for awhile. Do you really care what they think?

BAGHDAD, Sept. 26 -- A strong majority of Iraqis want U.S.-led military forces to immediately withdraw from the country, saying their swift departure would make Iraq more secure and decrease sectarian violence

So if most Iraqis want us out, the majority of their parliament wants us out, the majority of US citizens want us out, and the majority of US soldiers want us out.....Why are we there?
SHit only the republicans are allowed to do that huh? :laugh:

In the context of this country's national security interests?

The dems have just lied to the public to boost their waning support in an effort to prop up a funding bill that is destined for the veto pen. Sheesh. Talk about frivolous.

Their process is a waste of the taxpayer's money. It proves nothing more than what petulant fools they truly are, and serves as an illustration of the party to be avoided like the plague in next year's presidential election.

If they want to pretend they are in charge of this country they should just pull the funding instead of going through all this pretentious bullshit to try to show their moonbat base how they are going to undercut the President's decisions (it's their mandate afterall. :rolleyes: :laugh:) and take back their oval office.

From yesterday's WH press briefing:

....And I would remind you that it was Senator Reid yesterday who said that if the President doesn't go along with this, then he's not going to get his money. This is not money for the President, this is money for the troops. And we are urging Congress not to play political games.

....And in case they have missed it, our troops are fulfilling their mission in spectacular fashion. They are working to bring down that violence in Iraq, to establish political reconciliation, to improve the economy. People are starting to return to Baghdad and to their homes. Pulling the rug out from under our troops now is the height of irresponsibility.
In the context of this country's national security interests?

Oh that's always a convenient ruse isn't it? :laugh:

The dems have just lied to the public to boost their waning support in an effort to prop up a funding bill that is destined for the veto pen. Sheesh. Talk about frivolous.

Waning support? Nope.

Their process is a waste of the taxpayer's money.

Nobody is wasting taxpayer money like the current admins.

an illustration of the party to be avoided like the plague in next year's presidential election.

Nope. Party to be avoided is the Repubs. You really have to start checking your facts.

and take back their oval office.

Hell yeah, looks like a lock.
Oh that's always a convenient ruse isn't it? :laugh:

National security is the topic.

Waning support? Nope.

You have a poll that shows their current numbers above last month's 11%?

Nobody is wasting taxpayer money like the current admins.

What have the dems done besides bitch and moan about the fact they want to retreat from Iraq? It is their focus, their reason for being. Why do they keep trying to pass a bill to withdraw when they know they'll never have the votes it takes to get by a veto?

Nope. Party to be avoided is the Repubs. You really have to start checking your facts.

Hillary is circling the drain, and the inexperienced Obama doesn't have a chance in hell. Edwards? Ain't gonna happen.

Hell yeah, looks like a lock.

National security is the topic.

See, here's something I can't believe. That anyone at all can possibly believe that Iraq is or has (or will ever have) the capability to be a threat to national security.
National security is the topic.

No the Iraq war is the topic.

You have a poll that shows their current numbers above last month's 11%?

Are you talking about Congress approval which is made up of both Democrats and Republicans? Well, there'll be many more Dems after the next election by the poll results.

Hillary is circling the drain

By circling the drain you must mean leading all candidates from either party. Obama would beat any rep he was up against also.

You seem to state a lot of wishful thinking on your part as if it was reality.
chcr said:
See, here's something I can't believe. That anyone at all can possibly believe that Iraq is or has (or will ever have) the capability to be a threat to national security.

You have to think outside the box. ;)