Here is your bill

alrighty then.
You are surly entitled to your opinion, but I personally don't see it.

'thought you might have a specific beef with such a strong statement.
alrighty then.
You are surly entitled to your opinion, but I personally don't see it.

'thought you might have a specific beef with such a strong statement.

I do. I always have reasons for anything I say. I'll let each think for themselves though. If the topic at hand is one I either know or care nothing about, I generally stay out of it until I can contribute.

Suffice it to say, all conservatives, or quasi-conservatives, or whatever, are not cut from the same cloth. He might have some decent ideas about certain things; I don't know. He lost me in under three minutes with his hatred. I then went to his website and confirmed with my eyes what my ears told me in those three minutes. Given the chance I'd ram that precious microphone of his so far up his ass he'd need the Hubble to find it.

In fact, about the only talk radio personality of national prominence I can get on the local station and can tolerate for longer than half an hour is Neal Boortz, and some of his opinions run directly contrary to some of mine. I do miss being able to hear Dave Ramsey though.
well I'll give ya this...
you are true to your word....there's not much 'gray area' if any with ya.:hippy:
He lost me in under three minutes with his hatred.

Just asking.........what has Glenn Beck said that leads you to believe he's a racist hatefilled xenophobe, and do you think he is as much as some people say Michael Savage is?

I have a time conflict with the Beck scheduling on the local radio here, but I try not to miss Savage.

Maybe you can pick up Dave Ramsey on an internet broadcast?
Savage is entertaining. Manic, overblown, and far fetched...but entertaining.

If you need me to tell you what Beck's problem is, you ain't listening to him. If you listen, there's no way to miss it.