Here is your bill

OK, so we pretend they don't exist, .... all the while they still focus on destroying us.

They are succeeding too. How much did you pay for your last gallon of milk or you last pound of hamburger. It's all connected, RM. They don't have anything like the military ability to even hurt us significantly but all this kneejerking, unfounded fear, and childish divisiveness is tearing the country apart and as far as I can tell, you and folks like you are happy to see it happen. :shrug: They can't hurt us but they can and are encouraging us to hurt ourselves. I, for one, think we shouldn't distract them by giving them what they want. That's just me, though.

They want us to be afraid and we react by acting like we're afraid of them. How is it that we can't see how wrong that is? If we reacted as if they were the insignificant little group of whiners they really are, they'd eventually lose all credibility and go away.
They are succeeding too. How much did you pay for your last gallon of milk or you last pound of hamburger. It's all connected, RM. They don't have anything like the military ability to even hurt us significantly but all this kneejerking, unfounded fear, and childish divisiveness is tearing the country apart and as far as I can tell, you and folks like you are happy to see it happen. :shrug: They can't hurt us but they can and are encouraging us to hurt ourselves. I, for one, think we shouldn't distract them by giving them what they want. That's just me, though.

They want us to be afraid and we react by acting like we're afraid of them. How is it that we can't see how wrong that is? If we reacted as if they were the insignificant little group of whiners they really are, they'd eventually lose all credibility and go away.

I disagree somewhat.
There may be some correlation, but IMO the trade practices are the main reflection.
Also outsourcing.
The only so called knee-jerking is being vigilant, and I personally believe
it's long overdue.
.... They don't have anything like the military ability to even hurt us significantly but all this kneejerking, unfounded fear, and childish divisiveness is tearing the country apart and as far as I can tell, you and folks like you are happy to see it happen. :shrug: They can't hurt us ....

You're right to some extent...

They want us to be afraid and we react by acting like we're afraid of them. How is it that we can't see how wrong that is? If we reacted as if they were the insignificant little group of whiners they really are, they'd eventually lose all credibility and go away.

You're right to some extent...


RM, they can certainly kill a few people. They can even kill a few thousand. Hell if they get their hands on a nuke (and I really don't think that's as hard as you or the politicians seem to--they don't need to build one, I'm pretty sure one could be bought for enough money) they can kill maybe a couple of hundred thousand. Certainly horrifying, but hardly a threat to the sovereignty of the United States now, is it? It's way past time to stop treating them as a political entity, they aren't one. Again, we lend them legitimacy they don't really rate by dealing with them as we do.
You're not getting the picture, RM. We don't ignore them. We do no business with them at all. We do no business with anyone who does business with them. No American held businesses do any business with any businesses that do. We sell them nothing, we buy nothing from them. No food, no oil, no humanitarian aid, nothing. We pull our embassies, we pull our troops, we have no diplomatic relations with any country that is even suspected of having any ties with terrorists. None of their citizens can come here, none of ours can go there. This includes allies as well as enemies. In short, we make it clear that we don't play this game and if you do, we don't play with you. The rest of the world is utterly dependent on the US economy. Give them a taste of what it's like to do without it. It wouldn't last long but in the real world you'll never get it started. What's being done now is clearly not working. Do you think we're seriously safer from terrorist attack than you thought we were five years ago?

I actually could live with that. First & foremost, we need to stop kowtowing to our freaks & dig for our own oil. No fuel for energy, no life as we know it. We have an abundant amount of fossil fuels available to us, in or on US possessions. We've been brainwashed into beleiveing that it's a bad thing to use it.

On the other hand...can you say Cuba?
Certainly horrifying, but hardly a threat to the sovereignty of the United States now, is it?

Yes, it is. If our government is not willing to do it's Constitutionally mandated job of protecting its citizens, one or one million, or at least following through & retaliating with full force, for the murder of her citizens, then we are not a nation.

Yes, this goes on for the crap that goes on in Mexico & elsewhere too.

A criminal act can be handled by the nation in which the crim eoccured.

An act of war, by a nation or a small group acting within the boundries or under the authority (or lack of authority) of a nation, is an act of war.

I prefer the Israel method. You kill one of ours, we blow your village up until or unless you turn over the agressors. Although, even Israel has failed itself by treating these people as criminals.
THe economics do need to be addrerssed, but thats goona be a bigger mess then war,

Again, very true, like the jews and rushky's, 11 on a bus, 23 at the market, 17 at the theater. only occasionally the 50-60 dead/imjured when people are dumb enough to congregate in groups that large. Chetznynia (sp?) like the school, oh and the theater where 400 including the terrorist died.

Yeah, that sounds like the 'Eew Improved American Dream',

Something I think we both Agree on.... "wheres Gen. Paul W. Tibbets when you need him"

I think we got them on the run, off balance, ever fight someone that can't get a good footing?

(my wife has mu glasses I can't really read my own writing, sorry :nerd: )
You're not getting the picture, RM. We don't ignore them. We do no business with them at all. We do no business with anyone who does business with them. No American held businesses do any business with any businesses that do. We sell them nothing, we buy nothing from them. No food, no oil, no humanitarian aid, nothing. We pull our embassies, we pull our troops, we have no diplomatic relations with any country that is even suspected of having any ties with terrorists. None of their citizens can come here, none of ours can go there. This includes allies as well as enemies. In short, we make it clear that we don't play this game and if you do, we don't play with you. The rest of the world is utterly dependent on the US economy. Give them a taste of what it's like to do without it. It wouldn't last long but in the real world you'll never get it started. What's being done now is clearly not working. Do you think we're seriously safer from terrorist attack than you thought we were five years ago?

While I can agree with some of that, how do you suggest we protect ourselves from illegally entering the US, or our 'citizens' just driving over to Canada and flying from there? It happens with Cuba, so why not Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, etc...

Remember...we sent troops to 'rescue' idiots who went to Lebanon and Afghanistan...
They are succeeding too. How much did you pay for your last gallon of milk or you last pound of hamburger. It's all connected, RM. They don't have anything like the military ability to even hurt us significantly.....

Aren't the overall higher prices related to the minimum wage increase?

The worst thing they can use against us isn't fear. It's the fact that they can go on al Jazeeratv and point out that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer and John Murtha are on their side.

If we reacted as if they were the insignificant little group of whiners they really are, they'd eventually lose all credibility and go away.

And if we would only sit down and have a dialogue with them and respect them as the formidable opponent that they are and plead with them to please tell us what we have done to deserve their hatred and tell them we won't do it any more they will just turn around and leave us alone. Wouldn't it be alot easier to just show them our soft underbelly as a sign of our deference than to see another mother's child come back to her in a flag draped coffin? I mean what the hell---when it could all be over so easy and we could be back to the way it was in good ol' days before we touched off a powder keg? :shrug:
Yes, it is. If our government is not willing to do it's Constitutionally mandated job of protecting its citizens, one or one million, or at least following through & retaliating with full force, for the murder of her citizens, then we are not a nation.
Hardly what I suggested Gonz.
While I can agree with some of that, how do you suggest we protect ourselves from illegally entering the US, or our 'citizens' just driving over to Canada and flying from there? It happens with Cuba, so why not Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, etc...

Remember...we sent troops to 'rescue' idiots who went to Lebanon and Afghanistan...
No system is perfect, Gato. Such is not possible. I merely suggest an alternative to what we're doing now that in my opinion would be far more effective than the current policy. The current policy, like the previous one, addresses the symptoms and not the problem. The problem is that we areletting a few midieval asshats with outmoded weaponry and fair cell phone skills dictate global policy. The policy in the nineties led directly to the attacks on 9/11 (the second attack on the World Trade Centers, I'll remind you). The policy we're following now is unlikely, always in my view, to prevent future and possibly worse attacks. It is possible to prosecute the current policy in such a way that it can succeed, but we won't (and I'm not at all sure that it wouldn't lead to the next world war, in fact I'm not 100% sure it hasn't already). It's time to try something that will work in the long term and Imperialism has been proved untenable. "shrug:

Kill 'em all. Let God sort 'em out.
Yeah, that'll do it. :rolleyes:
Yes, it is. If our government is not willing to do it's Constitutionally mandated job of protecting its citizens, one or one million, or at least following through & retaliating with full force, for the murder of her citizens, then we are not a nation.

Yes, this goes on for the crap that goes on in Mexico & elsewhere too.

wtf? :confuse3:
Luis, look into the larger border towns-there is some serious cross border activity going on (kidnappings, murder, rape)
Luis, look into the larger border towns-there is some serious cross border activity going on (kidnappings, murder, rape)

Oh that, I thought you meant something along the lines of our government killing your fellow citizens.
Listening to, on the radio. I don't have CNN at my house :D

I've heard horror stories for years though