The best intel said they were in Afghanistan. The best intel says they still are although they cross the border into Pakistan pretty freely.
Aren't we in Afghanistan?
In fact, there was a Tom Clancy book (mid-nineties sometime) that explained how to do what turned out to be the 9/11 attacks. I knew when I read it that it was probably just a matter of time until it happened somewhere.

Do you suppose the guys who planned it read the same book?
If only the Bush Administration had read
Debt of Honor. They would've anticipated the attacks. Damn. You should've said something.
The "War on Terror" is simply a piece of propaganda perpetrated by those in power to keep you complacent. It's no more meaningful than the "War on Drugs." If you believe that either one really exists and if your honest with yourself about what's really going on in the world today, then you must accept the evidence that we're getting our asses kicked in both cases. Mustn't you?
Complacent?? You mean being content without awareness of a potential danger?
How can you acknowledge "what's really going on in the world today" and in the same breath call the GWoT 'propaganda'? Unless by "what's going on" you meant something other than
The establishment media is seemingly obsessed with “grim milestones” in the War on Terror, as the Associated Press reminds us this past weekend. But in the next week those same establishment media outlets will probably stand mute when yet another “grim milestone” is reached – the 10,000th attack by Islamic terrorists and militants since 9/11, which is responsible for approximately 60,000 dead and 90,000 injured.
You didn't mention how are we getting our asses kicked?
Are there fewer terrorists? What I see is bin Laden thumbing his nose at us. He's completely irrelevant and yet we as a nation quake in our figurative boots whenever he deigns to speak. Makes ya proud to be American, don't it?
Do you believe Al Qaeda is the only terrorist threat in the world and no other could become a serious problem in the future? It's no secret that Jihadi terrorist networks are epidemic throughout the Islamic world and their links cross all international boundaries.
You can't concentrate only on one single group to go after and ignore the rest. 9/11 provided a template that any terrorist group could follow. They've done similiar in other countries, but it hasn't happed here since then.
American people can go to public places safe from the possibility that someone will set off the explosives belt they are wearing, or explode the car they've left in a parking garage, or kill the hostages they've taken at your child's gradeschool
because of an awareness those possibilities exist.
You should be glad you are able to rely on someone else who will do the work for you and tell you when to "Look the fuck out!" while you have the luxury of living Pre 9-11.

It takes the onus from you and puts it, well....
After all, it's still human nature to look out for each other.
P.S. bin Laden's long been dead. And strange you consider the reactions of defiance and contempt to any message out of the ME attempting to direct our way of life as "quaking in our boots."
Nothing can challenge such a religiously held faith as liberalism. So you probably won't understand when I say that yes, I'm proud to be an American.