hey! grammar nazis!

I DO do diagram sentences in my spare time. :)

P.S: #5, none of the answers are really adequate, and in 10 the question itself is stoopid - you don't make a score.
You may want to beg forgiveness from your English teacher. You got 4/10 correct.

And I want to go into the field of english too :(
Kawaii said:
And english is my second language.:D
Not surprising as they don't seem to teach grammer in our schools any more and it's only foreigners who actually learn it.
Do you diagram sentences in your spare time? You got 9/10 correct.

Pas trop pire pour un individu qui à presque manquér son sec4 à cause d'un 60 en anglais :)
MrBishop said:
Do you diagram sentences in your spare time? You got 9/10 correct.

Pas trop pire pour un individu qui à presque manquér son sec4 à cause d'un 60 en anglais :)

Je ne parle pas francais. :p