hey! grammar nazis!

tonks said:
stop with the french...i'm getting excited....

A ma chére Tonskie,

Mon coeur éblouit quand je te voit,
tes yeux prend soin de mon ame
tes seins sont merveilleux a percevoir,
Tu est une joli belle dame.

MrBishop said:
A ma chére Tonskie,

Mon coeur éblouit quand je te voit,
tes yeux prend soin de mon ame
tes seins sont merveilleux a percevoir,
Tu est une joli belle dame.

you know...that could be the directions on a box of mac and cheese for all i know......but i like it. :D
tonks said:
you know...that could be the directions on a box of mac and cheese for all i know......but i like it. :D

he said

"you silly english, with this language I can call you entire family tree fishmongers, adn you would still swoon.."

actually I can't read french at all, but boy has he got me hot and bothered too
Actually...forget about that. It's pretty off on the translation and doesn't rhyme anymore :(

My heart dazzles when I sees you,
your eyes takes care of my heart
your centres are marvellous A to perceive,
You is pretty a smart ladies
Link doesn't work for me, "server not found".

Edit: Nvm, it works now. Stupid solar storms... :)
Mi corazón deslumbra cuando I le considera,
sus ojos emlighten mi corazón
que sus pechos son maravillosos behold,
usted es una señora que mira fina

or in spanish
hey ladies:

Je sais que vous ne pouvez pas comprendre un mot que je dis, mais pourtant vous trouvez cette langue idiote exciter, essai vivant avec lui vingt quatre heures par jour, il sucez l'âne Dick