Hispanic groups call for moratorium on work raids

You're using Snoop as some sort of moral compass? Who should other races use as the white representative? Marilyn Manson?

If one is allowed, then all are allowed.

Racist ignorant bullshit you mean. Not the first time either.

Awfully judgemental of you there Mr PC.

How many Canadian illegals are here?

Not nearly as many as there are those of hispanic heritage.

I vote for public televised executions of all racist assholes.

Whose definition? Using ugly words does not constitute a racist.
Louie if you brought home a pretty little
[fill in the most discriminated against minority in México]
Lady and told yer family their Grand-babbies were going to
be of this mixed breed, would they be pleased?

As someone whose watched his hometown be overrun by illegals
for the last 30 years can attest, it ain't a good idea!

C'Mon folks its a matter of choice.

and like Mark said:

Then if you got it you don't want it
Seems to be the rule of thumb
Don't be tricked by what you see
You got two ways to go

I'll say it again in the land of the free
Use your freedom of choice
Freedom of choice!
I am sure that that is what most cultures felt about all the half white conquerer babies that were born into their lives.
Racist is defined as being against one race, or preferring one race over another.

You have clearly stepped up to bat to defend your Middle Eastern brethren against the American soldier.

You go first.

To quote Benjamin Franklin, "Clean your finger before you point at my spots."

Just because I don't support your "bomb the civilians" idea doesn't mean I support the Middle East over Americans. I just use rational thought and can see that it's un-christian and un-American.

It's the right wingers sending US troops to their deaths for no reason that are against the American soldier.
If one is allowed, then all are allowed.

So other races should use Marilyn Manson as they're example of what white people do and how you're supposed to act? Maybe if Baretta can shoot his wife that's what everybody should do.

Awfully judgemental of you there Mr PC.

PC and pointing out obvious racial slurs and insults are two different things.

Not nearly as many as there are those of hispanic heritage.

Really, how many?

Whose definition? Using ugly words does not constitute a racist.

If you can't see the racism in the post there's something wrong.
yeah history is rife with examples of the white races being conquered
by non-whites but the evil republicans tore those page outta my HS history book!!! Guess that makes Louie a Spaniard, kinda like a white guy then huh?
Damn evil fascists

twilight zone
If you can't see the racism in the post there's something wrong.

There is an infinity of wrong things in this world, grow up. Racial profiling is racist but is effective, stats don't lie.
If you can't see the racism in the post there's something wrong.

As long as words are seen as more harmful than actions, then we are at an impasse. Using words does not constitute beliefs. Open your mind to the possibilities.
There is an infinity of wrong things in this world, grow up. Racial profiling is racist but is effective, stats don't lie.

If you're spewing racial slurs on a discussion board it's obvious you're the one that needs to grow up.
As long as words are seen as more harmful than actions, then we are at an impasse. Using words does not constitute beliefs. Open your mind to the possibilities.

Who said words were more harmful than actions? One possibility that we see here is using words to describe your beliefs.

When the Irish decide, en masse, to disregard our laws, then white guys with red hair should be rounded up & checked.

Investigative detention, an arrest, or a search, undertaken based solely upon race is unconstitutional. You don't much care for that piece of paper though do you?
And you jumping through your asshole to defend Middle Eastern Muslim little men with beards is just a bonus I guess.

Defend who? I just think people should be treated equally regardless of race, creed, religion, gender, etc and I don't have the hard on for killing civilians you do.
Just because I don't support your "bomb the civilians" idea doesn't mean I support the Middle East over Americans. I just use rational thought and can see that it's un-christian and un-American.

". . . . The refusal to address the question of force because we do not wish to use it merely leaves us naked before those who may wish to use it against us." -- John Ralston Saul, Voltaire's Bastards

Does your 'rational thought' recognize we are in Iraq to destroy the enemies of the United States--those who have pledged to kill us.

It's the right wingers sending US troops to their deaths for no reason that are against the American soldier.

It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died.
Rather we should thank God that such men lived."
- General George S. Patton

No Reason? Isn't it reason enough that our enemies want to extend the Islamic territory around the globe; to establish a caliphate founded on Sharia law? And in the process "kill the Americans and their allies -- civilians and military -- an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it." (http://www.fas.org/irp/world/para/docs/980223-fatwa.htm)

When we are vicious and relentless without mercy against our enemies we will have wars without American casualties.
Investigative detention, an arrest, or a search, undertaken based solely upon race is unconstitutional.

Investigative detention, an arrest, or a search, undertaken based solely upon reasonable cause is legal.
Does your 'rational thought' recognize we are in Iraq to destroy the enemies of the United States--those who have pledged to kill us.

We're in Iraq because somebody told us they had WMDs. They were wrong. Iraq was not a threat whether or not Saddam "pledged to kill us". He wasn't even a threat to neighboring countries.

Save the fanatism. The BS isn't scaring anyone but fools anymore.
We're in Iraq because somebody told us they had WMDs. They were wrong. Iraq was not a threat whether or not Saddam "pledged to kill us". He wasn't even a threat to neighboring countries.

You mean this special 'somebody':

--- I have ordered a strong, sustained series of air strikes against Iraq. They are designed to degrade Saddam's capacity to develop and deliver weapons of mass destruction, and to degrade his ability to threaten his neighbors.

If Saddam defies the world and we fail to respond, we will face a far greater threat in the future. Saddam will strike again at his neighbors. He will make war on his own people. And mark my words, he will develop weapons of mass destruction. He will deploy them, and he will use them.

The hard fact is that so long as Saddam remains in power, he threatens the well-being of his people, the peace of his region, the security of the world. The best way to end that threat once and for all is with a new Iraqi government -- a government ready to live in peace with its neighbors, a government that respects the rights of its people. Bringing change in Baghdad will take time and effort.

Oh and look: here's a poll about it http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/stories/1998/12/17/iraq.poll/

Save the fanatism. The BS isn't scaring anyone but fools anymore.

Do you seriously not believe that radical Islam is a threat to our very existance as a country? I realize it's soothing to shy away from reality, but to pretend that something won't occur almost guarantees that it will. Have a look at some of the "BS:" http://conservatube.net/
Do you seriously not believe that radical Islam is a threat to our very existance as a country? I realize it's soothing to shy away from reality, but to pretend that something won't occur almost guarantees that it will.

The ignore it and it will go away attitude is rampart...That is due to in part of how disassoiated peoplw are, When the WTC was hit, people on the west coast would not have seen the distruction that happened.

The radical Islam is real and their sole goal in life is either convert you or kill you, there is no middle ground...