Hmm Do girls check out girls...????

but but but *lips trembles, eyes fill with tears*
i'm your friend, vortex!!
*runs away crying*

lol, i know what you mean :p
:hug: s ash r
Nha, forum friends are different :) I mean I have a look at the quality of chicks we have in this country, and I can't see my friend's (guys) fascination with them... well besides for the obvious reason they want a GF :p But most chicks here are horrible people :(
LaceMyster, don't ever think that!! Everyone is Beautiful!! :hug: :hug: and those things that you might see as what makes you not as pretty as the next chick, lemme tell ya, that they are no doubt wishing they had what you had, that they don't have.... if that makes any sense :p
Vortex said:
LaceMyster, don't ever think that!! Everyone is Beautiful!! :hug: :hug: and those things that you might see as what makes you not as pretty as the next chick, lemme tell ya, that they are no doubt wishing they had what you had, that they don't have.... if that makes any sense :p

Thanks :hug:
Vortex said:
Buttcrackdivine said:
not in any reality i know
Then obviously you're looking in all the wrong places and ways in looking for beauty. :)

No..i am a very accepting person with a open mind but still even i don't think that everyone is beautiful. Asthetically and personality wise. There just ugly people out there.....can't deny that fact. Ofcourse beauty comes down to the beholder so i guess you're standards are a lot more diverse and open than mine.
Buttcrackdivine said:
There just ugly people out there.....can't deny that fact.
*giggles* Okay, I guess you're right there, I mean the Powers that Be did make the world in some sort of balance I guess... I guess I'm just very fortunate to not to have found / experienced someone that is trully uggly, inside and out :alienhuh:
shallow hal, as much as i hate to cite that movie, made a very good point about how people who are beautiful, aren't always beautiful inside.
my favorite was the biker girlfriend. :laugh4:
Okay, I do check out other girls to see what they're wearing, hair, eyes, check out their body (as compared to mine).
Usually, when a girl looks better than me, sad to say, first thing that comes to my mind is, "Witch!" But not so much in a bad way but as to say, "Damn you for looking better than me! I hope you fall flat on your face!" heh...but not in a bad way...really :D
Luis G said:
- Trust.
- Not badmouthing about the other.
- Being inconditional (unconditional?).
- If a man tells another that his girl is hot there's no problem, but if a girl tells the same about her friend's bf it means problems.
- Somehow girls can not forgive them, even when they say they do, they don't.
Aunty Em said:
- I trust my friends... unless they've done something to break that trust.
I have to agree with this one. I trust people right soon as they break that trust, that's when I start to have issues.
Aunty Em said:
- I don't badmouth my friends... unless they did it to me first and I'm feeling hurt, in which case I stick to the facts of what they did.
- there are no conditions on my friendship.
If I bad mouth my friends, I'm upfront and do it in front of their face. Na & Ku'u can tell you that too. "A true friend will stab you in the front."
Aunty Em said:
- I have no problem with being told my boyfriend/girlfriend is hot... so long as they realise he/she is off limits.
Aunty Em, you got it right there. You can say what you like, look all you like, but if you touch him, you're dead.
Aunty Em said:
- if you've been double-crossed once it's likely to happen again... leopards rarely change their spots as they say. It's always best to be wary in that situation.
All I can say is that, we women, we forgive, but we never forget. We always keep our guard up when a questionable situation arises again.
i appreciate beauty a lot, too.
i study elements of people, that make them pretty, or exotic-looking, or plain, etc.... things like symmetry, ratios, stuff like that.

i dont think anyone's face is really like how they teach you in (at least my high school) art class... altho i did inadvertantly end up with a drawing of Trent Reznor once... :headbang:
I look at a girl, and from her face I figure out if she's a big flirt or not (I can just tell. I'm not sure how I know, I just know by the looks if she's just a stupid ass who flirts all the time or not). The more makeup she's wearing the less points for sexuality and beauty.
Now we look at the chest. Does she carry herself proudly, braggingly, or relaxed? Personally, I perfer the relaxed girl as that says that she's comfortable with who she is, and if she isn't comfortable than she's prolly alot more pretty than she realizes. And the walk. How does she walk? Does she walk with a little twist (that says huge flirt right there), does she walk with a flounce of arrogance, does she walk relaxedly?

For a guy. Face I mostly look for sexuality in there. I don't like pretty boys (much like I don't like pretty girls. I like my girls plain, especially since the plain ones don't realize how beautiful they are). I'll date one if he's smart, but for looks, i don't like pretty boys. I look for how he acts around his friends. Does he act like he's got something to prove? Does he act all tough? Does he treat them nice and fairly? Does he act dominant? Submissive? ect. I'm not big on looks for guys. I like a hint of muscle. Like maybe it's there maybe it isn't. Tan is good :D I generally like brunettes (for both sexes actually) best. I take them more seriously at first than I do blondes. The most important thing besides how the guy acts he smart? I want a techie guy. I don't care if the techie guy is freaking whiter than snow, if he's smart, i'll love him forever. I just love smart guys. Love them :D. It means they can keep up with me, and I can talk and yak all day about HTML and PHP and all this that and the other and they can follow along.
All I can say is that, we women, we forgive, but we never forget. We always keep our guard up when a questionable situation arises again.
So true :$ Yeah about the badmouthing, i've been accused of doing that :s When really I was just venting to other friends.