Hmm Do girls check out girls...????


Well-Known Member
Do they. I have noticed many times in my educational institution that many girls pay attention when another girl walks by...not sexually but rather as in evaluating. Have you ever noticed this also???? Many girls check the girl from head to toe while she walks by. Is their a special reason to do so??? do they do that in the first place????( :confuse2: :confuse3:
I do...appreciating beauty...assessing what she's wearing...wondering if she'd be a good lay...
So why not guys?...Not confident of their sexuality so they do manly stuff to put up the constant facade?? or do they just really don't care???

Women do you get jealous of a hotter girl than you. Like guys don't have any immediate anatomy to compare themselves with the other male species but women do - breasts. So do you women folk do that? Check them out? and compare your size to others and feel bad or worse???:headbang:
i think mine are perfect, i wouldn't trade mine for anyone else's.
faces, tho... i do get jealous of eyes, lips... noses. hair color, hair style...
Hey Butty, I think that, contrary to popular male fantasy, although women do compare themselves to one another, its mostly like what Ashr said, eyes, hair, "perfect" white teeth etc.

The things that they know, typically catch our eye.

But I do believe we guys do the same thing.

First thing I typically notice about a strange guy, at a glance, is his physical size, appearent demeaner of confidence, an' whether or not he's pretensive, like, carries himself like he thinks he has to "prove" himself to others. Does he have principles that I think I can trust, etc?

How 'bout you bro?

Good thread, btw!:)
Buttcrackdivine said:
ash r said:
i think mine are perfect, i wouldn't trade mine for anyone else's.

Really?...eyes..and lips??

yup, people find in others what they feel insecure about in themselves.

or something like that.
i know i have pretty eyes, lips, the other features i mentioned, too... but sometimes i still see a girl who's just dropdead gorgeous, and i'm like... ":("

75renegade said:
First thing I typically notice about a strange guy, at a glance, is his physical size, appearent demeaner of confidence, an' whether or not he's pretensive, like, carries himself like he thinks he has to "prove" himself to others. Does he have principles that I think I can trust, etc?

How 'bout you bro?

Good thread, btw!:)

I don't really notice at all. I do notice his physique though but besdies that i don't really care...girls yes..i do check them out, but not sexually. Call me stupid and weird but in my head i actually do studies of recent trends and physique means among women.

I notice the recent trends and try t ofigure out how they got started and see where the average woman physique is at these days. Yes i am boring but for some reason it is fun and not at all scientific as it may sounds..(doesn't really sound that scientific in the first place does it)

BTW Thank you..just a observation i am sharing with intellectual listeners.:headbang:
Buttcrackdivine said:
I don't really notice at all. I do notice his physique though but besdies that i don't really care...girls yes..i do check them out, but not sexually. Call me stupid and weird but in my head i actually do studies of recent trends and physique means among women.

I notice the recent trends and try t ofigure out how they got started and see where the average woman physique is at these days. Yes i am boring but for some reason it is fun and not at all scientific as it may sounds..(doesn't really sound that scientific in the first place does it)

BTW Thank you..just a observation i am sharing with intellectual listeners.:headbang:

Do you think there is such a thing as a, "perfect" body-type, for either gender?

One, optimal group, which possess a specifiable groupin' of physical features, that are defineable, by a single thesis, mutually agreed upon by the global majority?

Jus' curious, an' willin' to discuss.:)
75renegade said:
Do you think there is such a thing as a, "perfect" body-type, for either gender?

One, optimal group, which possess a specifiable groupin' of physical features, that are defineable, by a single thesis, mutually agreed upon by the global majority?

Jus' curious, an' willin' to discuss.
i don't think so. different strokes for different folks. some call Pammie Anderson that benchmark, I'd kick her to the curb...well maybe not right away.
Some women do it to 'evaluate' someone else and compare themselves to them. The ones who do it with an arrogant air are the ones I despise. People who you see on a regular basis but are evaluating your clothes or hair or something while you're talking to them. I hate that.

That said, I do check out other women but from a different perspective.
ash said:
yup, people find in others what they feel insecure about in themselves.
Ash hit on something there... We unconciously compare ourselves to other women, maybe to boost or lower our own self-esteem. Who hasn't seen a beautiful woman and felt a pang of jealousy? Thinking things like "She's probably a bitch though.", "I could look like that.", "I wish I looked like that." or even "Who does she think she is?!" :laugh:

As Aunty has said, there is more to appreciate about a woman's body than a man. I've never seen a woman's breasts as beautiful but a woman's butt can be divine. I look at butts a lot, men and women. But women tend to show theirs off more. :)

75renegade said:
Hey Butty,
:rofl: That was great, I needed that. :bgtup: