How the hell could this happen??


That is unfortunate. I suppose mistakes happen, but this is a little extreme. I wonder how the doctor(s) must feel :(


New Member
omg that is so sad. To lose hope (knowing she would die in 6 months if she didn't get the transplant) then to get it back and now to lose it again. :(

I hope it reminds everyone to make sure they are organ donors, if their religion and morals permit it. You can be a living donor for blood and also bone marrow, it's a noble thing.


New Member
I saw it on Good Morning America this morning. They said they were going to provide an email address on the abc website, so someone on life support or someone who lost a loved one could possibly donate to this girl. First the story wasn't on the abc website. I checked earlier. Now it's on there, but no email and nothing about a specific donation to this girl.:grumpy:


New Member
Along the lines of greenies organ donation post....It is important to let relatives know you wish to be an organ donor. Many times, in the confusion and trauma, it could be overlooked by the people that NEED to know. The window of opportunity for harvesting organs is pretty narrow.


New Member
I have to give them credit. They came right out and owned up to the screw up....unlike the majority of their predecessors, who would have been blaming everybody under the sun...but goddamn :grumpy:


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
Yes it is sad, I just have to wonder if there is someone else out there in a similar situation now.


New Member
Yeah, what a waste. I don't imagine even if a type O donor becomes available before the worst happens, they'll be able to use the organs she has in her now.


The odd thing I'm seeing is that A neg is extremely rare. Those harvested organs should have stuck out like a sore thumb because of the blood typing. On top of the immediate tragedy, those with A neg just lost an extremely rare oppertunity. :crying3:


Well-Known Member
i feel so sorry for the girl and her fam. this was a mistake but damn the consequnces. wish there was a way to save her from that.uncs right though. there should be a law suit. and there prolly will be. :crying3: poor girl. this is so fucking wrong!!!


Well-Known Member
How do you all declare that you wish to donate your organs. Here you used to sign the back of your license or medicare card. I'm not sure if you still do that.


New Member
The 'sign the back of your license' days are pretty much over. They ask you at the time of renewal if you want to or not and it gets encoded into it somehow. least here where I am.


molṑn labé
Staff member
Leslie said:
of all the stupid mistakes...

a stupid mistake is leaving your keys in the plane that's now bound for China.

I'm not suggesting this is deliberate but it's too damned big for a mistake.

outside looking in

<b>Registered Member</b>
It's really amazing how often the wrong breast is removed, the wrong leg amputated, the wrong hip replaced...

You'd think that kind of mistake never happens, but there are cases nearly every year of just this type of thing. I believe the standard advice to operation patients is for them (or a family member if they are not able) to write on their body with permanent market indicating which side is which.

Pretty blatant stuff... like "not this leg you idiot, the other one!" Could come in handy one day. I don't guess there's any way to stamp your blood type all over your body though. I can't believe a mistake like that happened, but there is a small chance of anything happening, no matter how unlikely.