Hurrican Charlie.........

Yeah, an event like that makes other daily annoyances seem trivial.

I just got off the phone with some family in Florida, they had some some structural damge but not enough to get red tagged.

Right now the RedCross is doing what it does best, help is needed.

If’n yur feelin’ like helping, every bit helps.

Donate if you can, American Red-Cross
Mare said:
My Family and I are all ok...Using the neighbors computer right now just to let all know WERE FINE......This was THE WORST THING IN LIFE I EVER HAD TO DEAL WITH... I have electric and water...No PHONES and No TV.....lines are down everywhere...Trees are uprooted out the ground all over our street. Porta potties are in the roads....Port Charlotte is so bad and Punta Gorda is pretty much devistated. Please say prayers for all the families and my co-workers families and may they all get through this. It is going to take a very long time to clean up all the mess Charlie sent our way. I just THANK GOD, that my family and I are all safe and sound and still have our roof over our heads. I NEVER want to go through anything like this ever again and if a hurricane ever comes this way again-IM OUTTA HERE.... :sadhug:

Great to see you all rode the storm intact hun! :)
Professur said:
Ice storms don't really seem so bad, do they, Bish?

Tell that to my neightbour whose car got levelled by a tree branch normally only 6 inches thick, but with another 8 inches of ice landed midfield. :p

That...and i'll never forget the sound of ice coming off the PVM building downtown. There's something about a 4x5' chunk of ice about a foot thick coming off of a 32 story structure and hitting ice-covered pavement that really shakes ya up:)

18 confirmed dead...several missing. Here's hoping that it stops at 18, eh.
Man I'm glad to see you are okay Mare! I know we were all worried about you and the other folks down there in Florida! :hug: Big hugs coming your way!
I hope your costs of repairs on your property don't go high :)

Glad to hear you're safe and well.
Glad to hear you're okay... I have family in the Petersburg area... yet to hear from them!!!!!!!!! (Not that we're very close but... you know... you worry)
Mare said:
My Family and I are all ok...Using the neighbors computer right now just to let all know WERE FINE......This was THE WORST THING IN LIFE I EVER HAD TO DEAL WITH... I have electric and water...No PHONES and No TV.....lines are down everywhere...Trees are uprooted out the ground all over our street. Porta potties are in the roads....Port Charlotte is so bad and Punta Gorda is pretty much devistated. Please say prayers for all the families and my co-workers families and may they all get through this. It is going to take a very long time to clean up all the mess Charlie sent our way. I just THANK GOD, that my family and I are all safe and sound and still have our roof over our heads. I NEVER want to go through anything like this ever again and if a hurricane ever comes this way again-IM OUTTA HERE.... :sadhug:
Glad to see you're OK, Mare! :hug:

You guys have a helluva mess to clean up, and a lot of rebuilding to do, but in a couple of years it will be hard to tell anything ever happened. And the area will look fresh and new. :cool:
Down the road in the park sat Vietnam veteran Gary Snyder, drinking Miller High Life. Snyder, who was among only a handful in Harborview who rode out the storm, said residents were anxious about looters, but he was prepared.

"If I see 'em, I'll shoot 'em," he said. "They're gone. I'll tell 'em I had a flashback."

freako104 said:
best wishes to Sharky and Mare. Be safe guys

Lucky for me, I live 300 miles from where Charley hit, and Bonnie was a dud . . . Mare was where the worst damage occured . . . ground zero. :(
Sharky said:
I particularly liked this one:

Gonz said:
We are talking about 21st Century here right? A hurricane in 2004 not a population ending gaseous attack by some not very benevolent alien species (the French mebbe), right? Two or three days worth of necessities...ya'll are stocking her up for armageddon (or the big one in Cali)

I'll wager someone feels pretty stupid right about now, eh?