I find it embarrassing

Bush's approval rating is 61% according to a UPI poll today--down from an earlier 64% last month. However "Meanwhile, although no banned chemical or biological weapons have been found in Iraq so far, close to three-quarters, or 72 percent, of adult Americans believe that the Iraqis did indeed have such weapons before the war began. The poll also found 33 percent of Americans believe these weapons were smuggled out of the country at some point, while just 28 percent believe they are still in Iraq.

And most Americans, 57 percent, do not believe the Bush administration purposely misled the public about weapons of mass destruction to build support for the war, while 36 percent think it did. Forty-four percent do not think the Bush administration misinterpreted or misanalyzed the intelligence reports they said indicated Iraq had banned weapons; 36 percent of those polled think it did." From http://www.upi.com/view.cfm?StoryID=20030531-082130-8636r

Doesn't he seem a shoe-in for re-election? :headbang: I've read where Democrats are getting anxious because no candidate has stood out yet. :eek:
Jeslek said:
Well they could perhaps convince Hillary to run again...

As far as buying an ivy-league degree. I've heard it said more than once that Harvard doesn't give marks lower than Bs. I once heard an interview with a former professor saying that an individual can get a world-class education if they so choose, but even if they don't apply themselves they will still get a pat on the back and a nod. It doesn't look good for prestigious schools to turn out just "average" graduates.
tommyj27 said:
I've heard it said more than once that Harvard doesn't give marks lower than Bs.
I can't vouch for Harvard, but Cornell would give you a bad grade. Hence the occasional "gorge diver" that didn't want to tell mom and dad they were flunking out.
Just to throw in my 2 bits. An old Carlin bit, that is.

If you look at how stupid the average person is, half of them are dumber than him.

Add to that, the american concept that everyone's opinion counts, and you can pretty much pass off whatever you want and you'll get public approval.

Anyone have last years stats on percentage of american adults without a highschool diploma? Bush might sound like an idiot to the informed, but to the common Joe Dirt, he sounds like a president.
No, I'm saying that 80% of all americans are common Joe Dirt. And 50% are dumber than a bag of hammers. And 100% are allowed to pick their leader for the next 4 years.
but aren't seniors the largest voting demographic? if you consider that with age comes wisdom then maybe more than 50% have intelligence equal to a bucket of hot rocks. 280%
Squiggy said:
Are you saying the right wing are all "common Joe Dirt"? :lol:

Tsk, tsk. and you say I'm reckless... ;)

Frankly, I didn't vote for President Bush, so it doesn't really matter, anyway. ;)

BTW...if over 50% of the population did not vote, does that mean that they didn't like the choices, or that they were just too lazy to pull a lever? :confuse2:
It was a joke referencing this part of Prof's post...

but to the common Joe Dirt, he sounds like a president.

But you almost managed to make it sound like I was attacking the right wing... Nice try.
bush's accomplishments in college are about as much as his military career.........fought the battle of vietnam in his living room! come on people this guy is a fraud and dumb as a bag of hammers! :headbang:
JohnB1000 said:
this guy is a fraud and dumb as a bag of hammers!

That's why he is the leader of the most powerful nation on earth. Yep, stupidity takes you a long way in this world. :rolleyes:
Well come on now... I very much doubt that the decisions that Bush apparently makes are taken without advice from miriades of advisors and "experts" with a right wing slant... He's just a crappy public speaker and could do with a few lessons in not sticking his foot in his mouth every time he opens it...

Personally I'd say he should stick more closely to his scripts and avoid free question time...