I really gotta stop this

I had to quit drinking.
I guess I'll enjoy smoking until, I have to quit that.:D
Unless I died from it first.?(
geez, i've cut down alot, from a 20 pack daily to about 7, but last night for some reason i was in a smoking mood, dude you need help :D
lol, that wasn't on regular basis ya know...thank god.

i've cut down from 1.5 pack per day to zero, quit a month, then started again (yes, i'm weak, sue me.) and am now at a 3 ~ 5 average per day...on some days more, mostly weekends
I've smoked some cigarettes just for fun. I have to say I really enjoy it. I can understand why one gets addicted...
I tried several times, and always hated it. Now I'm extremely glad that was the case.

But then, it took a couple of years before I really acquired a taste for beer, and I'm so glad that I finally did! :D
i somked for about 15 years. had a 3 ppd habit at one point. got tired of the constant hacking cough so i quit cold turkey. been 10 years since i quit. dont really get cravings anymore. i do know that if i have so much as 1 smoke, i'll be out buying cartons the next week. then looking for a new place to live shortly after that. lol
Jerrek said:
Unfortunately not all smokers think that way.

After nearly 29 years of smoking & very few real attempts to quit, I'm considering quitting, again. I'd like to hit 40 as a non-smoker. It's gonna be tough. It's not only the nicotine but the physical urge, smoke from pack to lips, lighting it, the movement, all that shit. I have 2 weeks to make up my mind. :nervous: