I wanna be a Super-Saiyan when I grow up!


Staff member

*psychotic non-human screams*

*hair turns golden yellow and spikes up*

*starts emitting light*

Nothing like shaking the whole world powering up.

Goku's the best, he can do Super-Saiyan 3 :headbang:

When you're Super Saiyan, your power level increases a crapload, your hair and eyebrows go golden and spiky, your pupils turn teal, and you start to emit light

When you're Super Saiyan 2, your power level increases even more, your hair grows out a little and gets spikier, and visible electricity starts to run around your body.

But Super Saiyan 3 is the coolest. The transformation shakes the entire world, and the power level is felt billions of miles away. Your hair grows extremely long, you lose your eyebrows, your voice deepens, and you emit a brighter light.

Not really. Ultraman was, well, a man who just happened to have an alien bond with him. DBZ is just a silly cartoon. It's on Cartoon Network in the afternoon around 6.
DBZ ceased to be cool when they started ramping up the power levels. It's a sign of bad writing when the only solution is to make a Super Saiyan into a Mark 1, Mark 2, etc.
Still sounds better than when a sitcom adds a baby into the mix just to grab better ratings for half a season. Typical formulaic response.
DBZ ceased to be cool when they started ramping up the power levels. It's a sign of bad writing when the only solution is to make a Super Saiyan into a Mark 1, Mark 2, etc.
You kidding? I find it adds quite a bit of suspense and thrill when the good guys look like they're gonna lose hard, and then suddenly, WHAM, someone turns it up a notch and beats the hell out of everyone single-handedly.

I'll admit, Dragonball GT takes it a bit too far with SS4, it just doesn't seem to me like a Dragonball series anime. I guess that's probably because the script writing wasn't supervised by Akira Toriyama, original creator of DB/DBZ.