Illegal is good?


molṑn labé
Staff member
Congress is considering bills that would make it a felony to be illegally in the United States, impose new penalties on employers who hire illegal immigrants and erect fences along one-third of the U.S.-Mexican border.

A good thing.

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Thousands of people across the country protested Friday against legislation cracking down on illegal immigrants, with demonstrators in such cities as Los Angeles, Phoenix and Atlanta staging school walkouts, marches and work stoppages.

Pro criminal weak-kneed leftists who wish harm to our country.

In Phoenix, police said 10,000 demonstrators marched to the office of Republican Sen. Jon Kyl, co-sponsor of a bill that would give illegal immigrants up to five years to leave the country. The turnout clogged a major thoroughfare.

Barry Goldwater is rolling over in his grave.


Jeez, maybe if we allow these illegals in the country with no repercussions then when the terrorists show up, nobody will complain.
Maybe if a few terrorists blew up city halls in a few towns people would wake up...
But then there are the conspiracy therorist like Sheen would try to punch holes in it...
I'm tellin' ya, there's gonna be riots like we haven't seen before, at least
in my lifetime.

Y'all better pack lunch, because gettin' to the stores that haven't
been torched might take some time.
Saw one on the TV earlier today on the news. She said something to the effect of, "We have every right to be here..."

No, you don't. Not until you pass the test and take the oath. Then you can be here. Until then, your very presence is illegal. That means against the law. Comprende?

Same chick..."We don't want to take jobs away from others. We want our own jobs." Umm, excuse me, Consuela, but isn't that kind of counter indicative? Didn't we just send like 30 million jobs down there via NAFTA? I clearly remember hundreds of people at a Stanley tool factory losing their jobs when Stanley folded up and relocated to Mexico. Go back home and assemble tape measures already. Some of our folks no longer have that option.

Or, become a citizen. Duh.

Until then, shut up. You have the right to consume oxygen, and that's about as far as this ol' boy is willing to bend.
Ok, I'm on the right with this one. Higher fences. Electric fences. Open season in Arizona.
My World War Three plans call for the annexation of Canada and Mexico, including a huge industrial build-up in Mexico. This will solve border issues, and give Mexico lots of jobs building guns and tanks that will be necessary for the invasion of Asia. Canada can share up in the industrial build-up too, since armored columns will cross the Bering Strait, sweep through Siberia and Mongolia, and invade China from the north . It doesn't make any sense, so the Chinese will
a) Rush to defend Northern China from our armies. Halfway through the migration of supplies, invisible B-3 bombers will destroy the transportation infrastructure, stranding their forces in the middle of the country, where we can surround them and destroy them.
b) Think that it is a decoy and leave their forces in the South, allowing us to take Northern China. By the time they realize that it isn't a decoy, the northern forces will have too much territory to be pushed back, and the Chinese will be crushed between the northern army and an attack from out of Thailand, leaving us free to attack India from the east.

Of course, if the guys up top know what they're doing, we've already effectively annexed north america and began the industrial buildup. Then the US govt will start buying up tons of oil and stockpiling it, getting the price up very high and getting the Arabs to start producing at peak capacity, then carpet bomb the oil fields while simultamously switching to North American oil. If it goes well, we won't even need to invade them: they'll surrender, their tank columns sitting helpless and out of gas. If they don't surrender, at least they'll have a World War One kind of army, which our tanks and machine guns should crush. Of course, setting up puppet governments in those countries will be easier if the puppeteer doesn't have the blood of a billion Eastern soldiers on his hands, so hopefully we can win without firing a shot.

Of course, this could all be speculation, but why wait for them to take action against us and force us to fight on their terms when we can take action now and win.
"They say we are criminals. We are not criminals," said Salvador Hernandez, 43, of Los Angeles, a resident alien who came to the United States illegally from El Salvador 14 years ago and worked as truck driver, painter and day laborer.
Yep, they just want to come and do jobs Americans won't.
Of coarse no one out there wants to drive a truck, or paint. We all know
those are awful bottom rung jobs now don't we. :rolleyes:

Francisco Flores, 27, a wood flooring installer from Santa Clarita who is a former illegal immigrant, said, "We want to work legally, so we can pay our taxes and support the country, our country."
"flooring installer", oh yeah that's some real nasty work there. I'm sure
it only pays 5-6 bucks an hour, and Americans don't want that kind of work. :rolleyes:,2933,189110,00.html

Taking jobs from Americans? Noooooh, they are just "doing the jobs Americans won't" :alienhuh:

Edit: spelling
catocom said:
Yep, they just want to come and do jobs American work.
Of coarse no one out there wants to drive a truck, or paint. We all know
those are awful bottom rung jobs now don't we.
Obviously it's not just the jobs Americans won't do. I know a construction contractor that told me it's paying under the table and not worrying about workman's comp too.
I agree Flav.
Yeah if I made $300-500 tax free, have 3 kids, and get food stamps, and
healthcare, and other entitlements, I could afford me one of them lowriders too.
But just as a citizen, I have to fight tooth and nail just to keep a place to live.
Legal immigration, as it has been done for two centuries, works well & to everybodys benefit.

Illegal Aliens are Criminals, not matter what Salvador thinks.
Gonz said:
Illegal Aliens are Criminals, not matter what Salvador thinks.

If it makes you feel better to have a law so you can call them criminals, so be it. It is still useless.
They are already criminals. This is just a new law to make them even more criminal. It's one more weapon in the aresenal. Dumb, but we gotta keep our legislators off the streets somehow.
catocom said:
I agree Flav.
Yeah if I made $300-500 tax free, have 3 kids, and get food stamps, and
healthcare, and other entitlements, I could afford me one of them lowriders too.
But just as a citizen, I have to fight tooth and nail just to keep a place to live.
$300-500/wk? Won't be buying much of a lowrider on that with 3 kids.

This help employers quite a bit I guess. I don't know what it costs to deal with health insurance and workman's comp but I guess it's a big deal.
Here's an idea...

GM workers make approximately $24. hr.

It costs GM $140,000. year per employee.

Do the math (they are a very costly but it gives you ballpark)
flavio said:
$300-500/wk? Won't be buying much of a lowrider on that with 3 kids.
The kids are "paid for" (by the tax payers) that's part of the point.

There's nothing else to spend that money on as far as living expense.
I can hardly believe it....EVEN Kennedy got it right... :alienhuh:

"All Americans wanted fairness and they got it this evening," said Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat who was a key coordinator of the bill.

The bill passed on a 12-6 vote. On several amendments, GOP Sens. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina, Sam Brownback of Kansas and Mike DeWine of Ohio, who is seeking re-election this fall, sided with Democrats. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa., also voted for the bill though he signaled that some of the provisions could well be changed by the full Senate,2933,189279,00.html
the committee rejected a House move to change illegal border crossings from a misdemeanor to a felony.
Horseshit...he's still wrong. GW is wrong. Bill Frist is wrong...the entire Senate has forgotten who they work for. 90% of Americans have a serious problem with illegal aliens & the Senate waters down th eonly sensible solution-Rep Sensenbrenners bill.

Kennedy, who crafted much of the legislation with Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., prevailed on a proposal to allow an additional 400,000 green cards for future immigrants, regardless of the industry where they find jobs. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., won approval on an 11-5 vote for a five-year program to permit as many as 1.5 million agriculture workers into the country. They will be allowed to seek permanent legal residence.

This shit was stupid in the 90s & see what it got us...more illegals.

Write your Senator IMMEDIATELY & tell them to ship 'em all back unless they came thru legal channels.