In a perfect world

No organized sports, stadiums, tailgate parties. Actually, no tailgates

this one doesnt make me want to kill myself and wouldnt. the rest I cant live without. this I can and do live without :D
That works when you live in Chicago. I travel daily & it's really hard to find a place that doesn't suck at any hour of the day or night. Chains have their usefulness. Nothing like going into some local establishment & finding "med rare" in Outback Kentucky & "med rare" in Desert Plains AZ are as different as their environs.
The differences are what make life interesting for me, but I imagine since you travel daily you prefer consistency. A shame that the small independent diner has become a thing of the past. Where did drivers eat before mass-produced food?
Ms Ann Thrope said:
The differences are what make life interesting for me, but I imagine since you travel daily you prefer consistency. A shame that the small independent diner has become a thing of the past. Where did drivers eat before mass-produced food?

There were 24 hours truckstop/diners that would clog your arteries just opening the door but had great food & dying early was worth it. Word of mouth worked when there were half a million drivers. When it's 5 times that & the trucker has joined the nuclear family in a museum :shrug:
Gotnolegs said:
.... Is this your description of a terrorist?

To ensure we Americans never offend anyone - particularly fanatics intent on killing us - airport screeners will not be allowed to profile people. They will continue random searches of 80-year-old women, little kids, airline pilots with proper identification, Secret Service agents who are members of the President's security detail and 85-year old Congressmen with metal hips. Let's pause a moment and take the following test.

In 1979, the U.S. embassy in Iran was taken over by:
(a) Norwegians from Ballard;
(b) Elvis;
(c) A tour bus full of 80-year-old women; or
(d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40.

In 1983, the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by:
(a) A pizza delivery boy;
(b) Crazed feminists complaining that being able to throw a grenade beyond its own burst radius was an unfair and sexist requirement in basic training;
(c) Geraldo Rivera making up for a slow news day; or
(d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40.

In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by:
(a) Luca Brazzi, for not being given a part in "Godfather 2;"
(b) The Tooth Fairy;
(c) Butch and Sundance who had a few sticks of dynamite left over from the train mission, or,
(d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40.

In 1998, the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by:
(a) Mr. Rogers;
(b) Hillary, to distract attention from Wild Bill's women problems;
(c) The World Wrestling Federation to promote its next villain: "Mustapha the Merciless;" or
(d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40.

On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked and destroyed by:
(a) Bugs Bunny, Wiley E. Coyote, Daffy Duck, and Elmer Fudd.
(b) The Supreme Court of Florida trying to outdo their attempted hijacking of the 2000 Presidential election;
(c) Mr. Bean,
(d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40.

Hmmm .............? There is a pattern, but lets not be Politically Incorrect. Afterall, isn't it better that a few more planes get Hijacked and flown into buildings than some Muslim males between the ages of 17 and 40 be Offeeeeeeeeended?

Oh yea, I remember when the IRA attacked Bost, wait was it Hartf, no that wasn't it. Could it have been Seatle? No, that was the liberals.

When were we terrorized by somebody not fitting the profile of
(d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40.

I seem to have forgotten.
Gonz said:
Oh yea, I remember when the IRA attacked Bost, wait was it Hartf, no that wasn't it. Could it have been Seatle? No, that was the liberals.

When were we terrorized by somebody not fitting the profile of ?

I seem to have forgotten.
Oklahoma City?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
:rolleyes: I guess that wasn't terrorism but patriotism?
There's one and we put his WHITE ass to death so don't go around calling racism.
AP said:
FBI orders Oklahoma City bomb review
The Associated Press
2/27/2004, 9:22 p.m. ET
WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI ordered a review of some aspects of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing investigation Friday, reopening the question of whether Timothy McVeigh may have had more accomplices, government officials said.

Reacting to an Associated Press story earlier this week, the FBI ordered agents to determine why some documents did not properly reach the bureau's Oklahoma City task force during the original investigation or get turned over to McVeigh's lawyers before he was executed in 2001, officials said.
Here ya go.
freako104 said:
i thought there was a second that was arrested with McVeigh?

Terry Nichols.

They must have seen the Michael Moore movie Pissing about Guns & decided to go find some more Michigan Militia members. :rolleyes:
The Other One said:
To ensure we Americans never offend anyone - particularly fanatics intent on killing us *snip*
(d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40.

Hmmm .............? There is a pattern, but lets not be Politically Incorrect. Afterall, isn't it better that a few more planes get Hijacked and flown into buildings than some Muslim males between the ages of 17 and 40 be Offeeeeeeeeended?


So I take it you honestly believe that Gonz's original post was an accurate description of a muslim male between the ages of 17 and 40?

Get real
Gonz said:
Terry Nichols.

They must have seen the Michael Moore movie Pissing about Guns & decided to go find some more Michigan Militia members. :rolleyes:

1. I found it rather unlikely at the time that the two of them together could plan and execute a bowel movement. Can you say scapegoats?

2. The agenda after Oklahoma City seemed to be to put it behind us as quickly as possible. The agenda after 9/11 seems to be to keep it in front of everyone for as long as possible. Ask yourself why. This clearly does not bother you or raise alarms in your mind, but it does in mine. :shrug:

Trust what the government has become at your peril.
I think the 2nd one to me is because we can retaliate on them and whatnot. also McVeigh was American. but there is something I should mention Chic. I did hear a few comparisons between 9/11 and Oklahoma City