Gonz said:
Gato_Solo said:Most of those prisoners were captured in Afghanistan, where they were fighting US troops. International law does not require that we give thos captured fighting our soldiers to their sovereign countries, and, as long as the fighting continues in Afghanistan, we can hold them prisoner. Once the fighting is finally over, however, you can petition to have your 'citizens' returned. BTW...If they are truly citizens of the UK, why were they fighting against US soldiers in Afghanistan? There are loyalties, and then there are loyalties. If they are against an ally of their own country, doesn't that tell you volumes right there? After all..these folks weren't arrested in the London Underground, were they?
Gotnolegs said:How do you know they were captured whilst fighting? Because your government told you? Does it not scare you that using this as precedent any country could now imprison any US citizen without trial for as long as they wanted just so long as they say "they are a threat to our security"?
Gato_Solo said:While I, personally wasn't there for each and every capture, I have friends who helped get them out of the country and into Gitmo, a brother who is in the army and spent some time there, and word-of-mouth from several others who, although I don't know well, I'm aquainted with. Most of those folks were captured while actively fighting the US, or aiding those doing the fighting. As far as your question about US citizens goes...If they are aiding and abetting the enemy, and are in a foreign country just to do that, then they ought to lose their citizenship for a start.
And to also answer your first question with my own take...How do you know that they weren't captured whilst fighting?![]()
Gotnolegs said:So you would be happy for the government of... lets say Saudi Arabia to hold US citizens without trial for an indefinite period of time as long as they told you that it was because the Saudi government saw them as a security risk? Of course you wouldn't want them to supply any evidence of this, you'd just take their word.
In answer to your question I have no idea where they were captured, what they were doing and why they were doing it. That is exactly my point. I have tried to find out, I have asked US citizens who are convinced they did what Bush claims they did and the only justification for this is that he said so and so it must be true.
So lets assume that they were indeed fighting against their own country, is it not that country's right to punish them as it sees fit?
Gotnolegs said:So you would be happy for the government of... lets say Saudi Arabia to hold US citizens without trial for an indefinite period of time as long as they told you that it was because the Saudi government saw them as a security risk? Of course you wouldn't want them to supply any evidence of this, you'd just take their word.
The Other One said:![]()
I've been waiting for 'sick and twisted'....![]()
Interesting that while claiming to be from D.C., where the Pentagon was rammed by a Muslim at the controls of a jetliner (did you see the slo-mo of the jet disintegrating into the wall----pretty far fucking out, dude---wasn't it cool, eh? You've probably got the still shot of it framed--am I right?) your sympathies lie with bin Laden and crew. Please prove me wrong: was it the "They are hateful, jealous, and destructive. Their only contribution to world history has been death, oppression, fear, and terror. They have no capacity to create." part, or the "That the U.S. is a success as a civilization makes Muslims look like primitive and fanatical failures."---that is inaccurate?---and back it up if you can.
naivete said:2.they have their reasons to hate us.
freako104 said:2.they have their reasons to hate us. if you studied Islam rather that the bullshit(read Muhammeds life) it is not violent. at all. you are juding the entire race based on a few. why not do that with other groups?
freako104 said:i didnt say we couldnt hate them gato. but I dindt like how gonz said to wipe them off the face of teh earth. and i was pointing out they have a reason to have hated us before we hated them. I didnt say we cant hate them by any means. I dont like what they did to us on 9/11 and i dont like teh terroristattacks in the ME. but in their mind it was justified.
Gonz said:Oh holy Christ. We're now fighting over who has the right to hate whom first?
Here's a proposition.
If you hate us. So what, Go away & leave us alone. We'll leave you alone. If you harm any person or damage any property of ours, you're toast.
Is that fair?
reason to hate us first![]()
Gonz said:Good. Then we have reason to kill them.
Maha freako said:but I dindt like how gonz said to wipe them off the face of teh earth
In fact, it can be proved that few, if any, of the British were involved in the Afghan conflict. Martin Mubanga is one of four apparently condemned to remain indefinitely in Guantanamo. The US pretends he was captured in Afghanistan. He was seized in Zambia. Another British citizen in Cuba, Richard Belmar, was arrested by the Pakistani authorities for overstaying his visa.
And why is Moazzem Begg to remain in Cuba? We know that he was not in Afghanistan but abducted from Pakistan and bundled into the boot of a car in front of his wife. Somehow, his mobile phone worked and he called his panicked father in England. After a year in a windowless cell in Kandahar, he was shackled and taken to Guantanamo.
SourceThe US makes no pretence that the camp is covered by the Geneva Conventions because the men are not designated as prisoners of war.
SourceThe U.S. government has declined to term any of the Guantánamo detainees either combatants, entitled to prisoner-of-war protections under the Geneva Conventions, or criminal suspects, entitled to the protections of the U.S. criminal justice system. The uncertain legal basis for the Guantánamo camp, and the uncertain status of those held there, has become the subject of widespread international concern.
freako104 said:yes that is fair by me. as far as them haivng reason to hate us first look at what we did to them in the past and then tell me its laughable
The Other One said:Interesting that while claiming to be from D.C., where the Pentagon was rammed by a Muslim at the controls of a jetliner (did you see the slo-mo of the jet disintegrating into the wall----pretty far fucking out, dude---wasn't it cool, eh? You've probably got the still shot of it framed--am I right?) your sympathies lie with bin Laden and crew.
Please prove me wrong: was it the "They are hateful, jealous, and destructive. Their only contribution to world history has been death, oppression, fear, and terror. They have no capacity to create."