True, it's a thorny fence we sit upon, but it's a fence none-the-less. Logic dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Our government, OTOH, dictates that the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many. There are times, however, when action, no matter how repulsive, must be taken. If you look back at earlier posts I've made, in different threads, you'll see that, in a majority of cases, I, too, think the detainees should be charged or freed. Not because your government is an ally, or because there is some kind of prejudgement going on, nor even because I think the worlds a jolly-good place. I said so because I think most of them have learned that we (the west) are not as bad as they've been told. In most of the countries where the detainees are from, they'd be either dead, or badly disfigured. That's the life they grew up with, and the laws that they are familiar with. What I object to is mainly this. Fr the past 30 to 40 years, our European allies have complained that the US did nothing to stop or prevent terrorism. In the first World Trade Center bombing, where a bomb was detonated in a parking garage below ground, the US started taking an interest in ME affairs like never before. 10 years later, after several peace "road maps" were violated by both Israelis and Palastinians alike (mostly Palastinians), we had 2 aircraft crash into buildings in our most populous city, killing approximately 3200 people. We took umbrage at this, and attacked the country harboring the terrorist organization responsible. We also attacked a seperate country (Iraq, okay Squiggy?) simply because we thought their leader was an ass, and had been belligerent. During these actions, we scooped up quite a few folks who we thought were either terrorists, enemy combatants, or those who aid and abet the former. Now, all of a sudden, when the US is finally fully involved in 'counter-terrorist' actions, the rest of the world is whining about how we're going about it. Guess what. You've been asking for just such a response for years, so get over it. I'm sorry your citizens got captured in enemy territory, while actively fighting the US, aiding and abetting terrorists, or just plain being in the wrong place at the wrong time. If they didn't know the risks involved by pulling out a tigers whiskers, then maybe they should've just stayed home and complained like everybody else. I've met quite a few Brits, Aussies, and even Canadians who'd agree with me. Don't cry 'human rights' now, when you, yourselves, were letting this whole thing blow up out of proportion. Don't want out help? Leave us alone. It's that simple, really. Usama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Yassir Arafat, Kim Jong Il, Fidel Castro, et al. How many are left? How many are yanking the tigers whiskers?
To sum it all up...Be careful what you wish for.