Gotnolegs said:
So I take it you honestly believe that Gonz's original post was an accurate description of a muslim male between the ages of 17 and 40?
Get real
Perhaps this statement from bin Laden's Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders (World Islamic Front Statement) is a more accurate description: "....All these crimes and sins committed by the Americans are a clear declaration of war on God, his messenger, and Muslims. And ulema have throughout Islamic history unanimously agreed that the jihad is an individual duty if the enemy destroys the Muslim countries. This was revealed by Imam Bin-Qadamah in "Al- Mughni," Imam al-Kisa'i in "Al-Bada'i," al-Qurtubi in his interpretation, and the shaykh of al-Islam in his books, where he said: "As for the fighting to repulse [an enemy], it is aimed at defending sanctity and religion, and it is a duty as agreed [by the ulema]. Nothing is more sacred than belief except repulsing an enemy who is attacking religion and life."
On that basis, and in compliance with God's order, we issue the following fatwa to all Muslims:
The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies -- civilians and military -- is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it, in order to liberate the al-Aqsa Mosque and the holy mosque [Mecca] from their grip, and in order for their armies to move out of all the lands of Islam, defeated and unable to threaten any Muslim. This is in accordance with the words of Almighty God, "and fight the pagans all together as they fight you all together," and "fight them until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in God."
We -- with God's help -- call on every Muslim who believes in God and wishes to be rewarded to comply with God's order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it. We also call on Muslim ulema, leaders, youths, and soldiers to launch the raid on Satan's U.S. troops and the devil's supporters allying with them, and to displace those who are behind them so that they may learn a lesson."
Do I need to define 'jihad' for you: "Jihad is "holy war." Or, more precisely: It means the legal, compulsory, communal effort to expand the territories ruled by Muslims at the expense of territories ruled by non-Muslims. The purpose of jihad, in other words, is not directly to spread the Islamic faith but to extend sovereign Muslim power (faith, of course, often follows the flag). Jihad is thus unabashedly offensive in nature, with the eventual goal of achieving Muslim dominion over the entire globe."
The reality is that if political correctness, affirmative action, diversity, perversity, tolerance, and multiculturalism are allowed to continue it will be the end of this nation.
Middle Eastern men of Arab descent. Hmm. How about the reality that 19 out of 19 of those who flew planes into buildings killing thousands of Americans were Muslims? But wait. Hold on just one damn minute. Think about GITMO. Shouldn't preserving the self-worth of a terrorist be more important than national security? Christ--what was I thinking? It doesn't matter if you lose your life as long as you don't lose your sensivity or political correctness. It's important to maintain your integrity as a diversity-loving freak.
"Islam is a religion of peace, and terrorism is a perversion of Islam." That the U.S. is a success as a civilization makes Muslims look like primitive and fanatical failures. How could we be a success without considering their feelings? America has produced countless advances in technology, science, and medicine. The Third World is a world of disease, poverty, ignorance, and oppression. They are hateful, jealous, and destructive. Their only contribution to world history has been death, oppression, fear, and terror. They have no capacity to create. 'Made in the Middle East'? Yeah, right. Smashing a plane into a building they could never hope to build is their 'creation'. Remember the tape of bin Laden getting the news the Towers fell?
The reality is there is only one nation on this planet that attracts people from virtually every other country. Get it? Many want what this country offers. Others simply want to destroy it. And some living here would hold open the door to the destruction.
As Thomas Paine wrote back in 1776: "What we obtain too cheap we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value."