In advance of Petraeus report.....

hmmm yeah this lamenting must be learned behavior resulting form a long history of bush admin bumbling....

:rolleyes: Speaking of bumbling, how can you have a negative review of a report that hasn't been given? When you can answer that...with some semblence of reasoning...go ahead and let us know...;)
Petraus himself has made some comments.

General David Petraeus, the commander of United States forces in Iraq, admitted on Friday that sending 30 000 more troops into the war zone in January had failed to yield the desired results. "It has not worked out as we had hoped," the general said.

The acknowledgement by Petraeus that the situation in Iraq is "exceedingly complex" and that progress had been "uneven" came on the eve of his testimony to Congress on the state of the war. He offered the assessment in a letter to US forces serving in Iraq that was obtained by the Washington Post.

The appearance by Petraeus, and Ryan Crocker, the US ambassador in Iraq, in front of Congress has been the subject of much anticipation, with a rebellious legislature and a war-weary US public demanding evidence that the Bush administration's strategy is working.

When Petraeus took up his command in February, the central rationale for the surge was that the deployment of an additional 30 000 US troops would give breathing space to the government of Nuri al-Maliki to draft legislation and embark on political reconciliation.

In his letter to the troops the general acknowledged that had not occurred. "Many of us had hoped this summer would be a time of tangible political progress at the national level," Petraeus wrote. "All participants, Iraqi and coalition alike, are dissatisfied by the halting progress on major legislative initiatives," he wrote.
:rolleyes: Speaking of bumbling, how can you have a negative review of a report that hasn't been given? When you can answer that...with some semblence of reasoning...go ahead and let us know...;)

that's not exaclty what i was talking about, poopskate.
I was merely reaffirming my support for the troops.

If you don't support, well that's the right they are dying for I guess,
but it should be shameful.
How do you politely tell the leftist members of Congress to piss off? Like this
Gen Patreus said:
At the outset I would like to note that this is my testimony. Although I have briefed my assessment and recommendations to my chain of command, I wrote this testimony myself. It has not been cleared by, nor shared with, anyone in the Pentagon, the White House, or the Congress until it was just handed out. As a bottom line up-front, the military objectives of the surge are in large measure being met.

Harry Reid said:
He's made a number of statements over the...years that have not proven to be factual. I have every belief that this good man, General Petraeus, will give us, uh, what he feels, uh, is the right thing to do in this report that is now not his report, it's -- it's President Bush's report.

Dick Durbib said:
By carefully manipulating the statistics, the Bush-Petraeus report will try to persuade us that violence in Iraq is decreasing and the surge is working. Even if the figures are right, the conclusion's wrong.

It was worth waiting for back in June when they believed it was going badly. Now it's a combo report? :shrug:

Wait, what about this...
DURBIN said:
As we are seeing military progress, the political scene is very discouraging. We have seen this Maliki government which was once branded a government of national unity coming party.

So then, progress, or not, Senator?

Charles Schumer said:
Let me be clear. The violence in Anbar has gone down despite the surge, not because of the surge. The inability of American soldiers to protect these tribes from Al-Qaeda said to these tribes, "We have to fight Al-Qaeda ourselves." It wasn't that the surge brought peace here. It was that the warlords took peace here, created a temporary peace here.

So Chuckie, not only do you find Americans soldiers repugnant you find them weak & useless. Piss off.

John Kerry said:
It's really important that people in quick visits to Iraq don't get, uh, sidetracked by what's really at stake here. Anbar province is Sunni violence, eh, by Al-Qaeda against -- it was originally Al-Qaeda, and -- and -- and the Sunni sheiks decided they were tired of seeing their daughters raped and their sons beheaded and violence in their villages, so they took advantage of this moment, and they've decided to cooperate with us in order to protect Sunni within their pruh -- essentially Sunni province.

This past weekend, he was asked whether the General would present an honest report...
Kerry said:
None of us should be fooled, not the American people, not you in the media, not us in Congress. We should not be fooled into this tactical success debate. That's not what this is about. Front page of the New York Times today, an important story about the real tensions in the streets and what is really happening there. I think that they're courting disaster. I think there is sort of an illusion being put forward, and you can take a tactical success and misread it as we did in Vietnam.

Thank you. You did know the Sen Kerry was a Vietnam Veteran before he betrayed Vietnam Veterans.

Perhaps the funniest thing ever to happen around John Kerry
"Let me turn to that Osama Bin Laden tape. I want to show it. He seemed to be taunting the Democrats for not stopping the war. He said, 'The Democrats haven't made a move worth mentioning. On the contrary they continue to agree to the spending of tens of billions of dollars to continue the killing and the war there.' Now, is it true that there are more troops in Iraq today than when Democrats were elected last November to control Congress? Is that a failure?"
We don't have 60 votes, George. No, I don't think it's a failure. We have changed the policy. We've already changed direction. We've had these revaluations taking place. We've had an accountability that never existed in the last years. And obviously that's what elections are about, and 2008 will be about it. Osama Bin Laden's tape is testimony to one thing, the failure of this administration to capture and kill him, the failure at Tora Bora and the failure subsequently.

So, in other words, not only is GW kicking terrorist asss, he's kicking Democrat ass too.

Assessment of the assessment
The US military is winning the war in Iraq having achieved uneven but substantial progress since President Bush’s surge strategy began this year, General David Petraeus told Congress today.
I was merely reaffirming my support for the troops.

If you don't support, well that's the right they are dying for I guess,
but it should be shameful.

you weren't just supporting the troops. you were trying to imply that others don't.

guess what?

almost everyone and their pomeranian supports the troops.
Actions speak louder than words. The actions say they don't.

That's right, the warhawks have shown by their actions have shown that they don't want to listen to the majority of the troops and just want to force them to stay in this farce.
Actions speak louder than words. The actions say they don't.

Never question their patriotism!

Coincidently,the Vietnam Memorial in D.C. was vandalized a couple days ago.


It appears someone walked along the wall while squirting an oil
based substance from a container on the lower sections of the panels.
The liquid discolored the polished surface of the stone memorial and was
absorbed into the porous stone where the names of our fallen heroes are
etched into the wall.

Naahhh, the left wouldn't do something like desecrating a memorial to fallen servicemen, would they?
It was worth waiting for back in June when they believed it was going badly. Now it's a combo report? :shrug:

It is being written by the white house. There is no actual written report from Petraus.

So then, progress, or not, Senator?

Are most of the goals being met? Is anything going badly? What's progress? Arming anti-government warlords to bring a little more stability to a province? Could anything go wrong with that?

So Chuckie, not only do you find Americans soldiers repugnant you find them weak & useless. Piss off.

Not only can you not read since he didn't say anything about repugnant weak or useless in that quote, but he's also right about the warlords. You piss off.

Thank you. You did know the Sen Kerry was a Vietnam Veteran before he betrayed Vietnam Veterans.

Perhaps the funniest thing ever to happen around John Kerry

John Kerry never betrayed Vietnam soldiers. He spoke against another bullshit war which is supporting the soldiers. Nixon betrayed them. Bush and Cheney betrayed them by making others go instead of going themselves.

So, in other words, not only is GW kicking terrorist asss,

Nope, terrorism has increased and Al Queada is coming back in Afghanistan because of the farce in Iraq. Kissing Ass might be a better way to phrase it.

he's kicking Democrat ass too.

Quite the opposite, he's making the Republican party look like fools. Not that they needed any help.
It is being written by the white house. There is no actual written report from Petraus

Not to worry--Congress agreed that the President should consult, assess, prepare and submit a report.

Once Again Posted by H.R. 2206, SEC. 1543, PAGE 25

(1) In the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act (Public Law 110-28), enacted May 25, 2007, the Congress enacted broad legislation, part of which originated in the Senate, and the President signed the legislation which specifically mandated that the President take the following actions:

(A) ``The President shall submit an initial report, in classified and unclassified format, to the Congress, not later than July 15, 2007,assessing the status of each of the specific benchmarks established above, and declaring, in his judgment, whether satisfactory progress toward meeting these benchmarks is, or is not, being achieved''.

(B) ``The President, having consulted with the Secretary of State, The Secretary of Defense, The Commander, Multi-National Forces-Iraq, the United States Ambassador to Iraq, and the Commander of U.S. Central Command, will prepare the report and submit the report to Congress''.

(C) ``If the President's assessment of any of the specific benchmarks established above is unsatisfactory, the President shall include in that report a description of such revisions to the political, economic, regional, and military components of the strategy, as announced by the President on January 10, 2007. In addition, the President shall include in the report, the advisability of implementing such aspects of the bipartisan Iraq Study Group, as he deems appropriate''.

(D) ``The President shall submit a second report to the Congress, not later than September 15, 2007, following the same procedures and criteria, outlined above''.