In advance of Petraeus report.....

well I'm taking a break from the forums the rest of the night, to watch Monk, and Psych....
I credit in part General Petraeus, and All the troops, for the ability to do so.

over and out.:beardbng:
cook the books?

The left thinks he's a book-cookin'-mother-fookin' lackey:

jesus f cripe if any company was being run like this "war" they woulda been forced into backruptcy by creditors some time ago...

"we don't really have a plan, other than staying the course. which has been fruitless so far. but if we don't continue to waste money like real men should, we'll become a bunch of pussy communists. now get up there and salute that goddamn flag."

The payoff will happen for investors when the idiots in Congress realize that they are not the CinC. There is something called "Separation of Powers." They are doing nothing beneficial for the country with their nonbinding resolutions, their criticism of the President's decisions and their hatred for the military.

Unleash the wrath! Take off the handcuffs from the military and let them do their job by destroying the terrorists, anywhere and everywhere, with all due prejudice.

Muzzle anti-American media when they cry about waterboarding, fictitious Koran flushing, snarling dogs, and nude prisoner pyramids. The media-pukes can take their attempts to undermine the security of this country and shove them up their collective ass.

Democrats are trying to gain personal/political points by pandering to very distinct factions. They speak of hindsight after they voted to send the military to Iraq. They're ignoring the bigger picture of Iran. Handy now how Iran is between Iraq and Afghanistan. It’s time for the dems to shut up and quit screwing around.
i'd be all for letting the military do what they think should be done... but i don't think the administration has - or has ever had - the backbone to do it right (i.e. understand and commit the necessary amount of resources to do it right).

muzzle critics? what, is this the stalist USSR? are you kidding? that's absurd. let 'em yap. if it bothers you, don't listen. i think maybe there this thing called 'the right to free speech' that you might have heard of?
i'd be all for letting the military do what they think should be done... but i don't think the administration has - or has ever had - the backbone to do it right (i.e. understand and commit the necessary amount of resources to do it right).

I do find that somewhat harder to argue with.

IMO it's because of PC though, not so much resources.

can't have um killin' too many civilians now can we....:hmm:
i hardly think "PC" has tempered the military effort. trust me, the folks that would even care about "PC" are already bitching up a storm about the iraqi civilian casualty count and have those retardo "no torture" bumper stickers on their cars. i know, some bitch like that used to work for me. and unfortunately she quit before i could have the joy of firing her. anyway, since thems folks had zero input into how the war was planned and executed, and still, despite loudmouthedness have had no REAL impact on the policies guiding the war.... yeah. not even the folks in congress btiching have substantially impacted the administrations pursuit of the war.

if yer gonna fight a war, you gotta flatten some civilians. wait, didn't we learn in vietnam that half-assing a war results in...?

* oh wait lemme again retract all that since i'm a pussy liberal. *
if it bothers you, don't listen. i think maybe there this thing called 'the right to free speech' that you might have heard of?

There's also a thing called treason.

The arguments from the left have done two things....demoralize our side & give the enemy hope.

Once the fighting begins, we should all support the action or STFU.
Is that a no?

You said once the fighting begins STFU. Does that mean no matter who we fight or for what reason?

Or just who and what reasons you personally agree with?
A new surge:

September 13, 2007 | Assessed favorably this week by the war's lead general, the presence of U.S. troops in Iraq appears to be causing a surge of another sort—and one that's not positive for President Bush or the Republican Party. Since the start of the Iraq war in 2003, members of the U.S. military have dramatically increased their political contributions to Democrats, marching sharply away from the party they've long supported. In the 2002 election cycle, the last full cycle before the war began, Democrats received a mere 23 percent of military members' contributions.* So far this year, 40 percent of military money has gone to Democrats for Congress and president, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. Anti-war presidential candidates Barack Obama and Ron Paul are the top recipients of military money.
So if we just up and invaded Israel or England for no reason you'd just get in line eh?

If WE declare war on them, Absolutely!

We'd not be the U.S.A. if we hadn't waged war on England, over 200 years ago.:nerd:

It'd take a helluva lot to make the U.S. turn that way now though.
With Good reason. Both have been Great Allies for Many years.
Probably following suit on how the left has taken control of government (non-elected)...if you can't win their hearts & minds with ideas, invade from the inside..

holy shit it's that "lefties everywhere" paranoia again.

everyone watch out! socialism is creeping in the back door!

commies gonna git your momma!

better call J edgar hooper and L ron hoover and bring a case of diapers, this gonna get ugly.
1. There's also a thing called treason.

2. The arguments from the left have done two things....demoralize our side & give the enemy hope.

3. Once the fighting begins, we should all support the action or STFU.

1. and you're the arbiter of that? the only serious harm being done to the nation is not being done by the protesters or those following congressional processes to try to change what is going on, despite that you (or i) may find them to be distasteful.

2. nobody needed them to demoralize anybody. blame them all you want, but they're a pipsqueak in the whole calculus of the unpopularity of the war. nobody needed to hear from democrats or cindy sheehan that we're not getting very far, very fast over there.

3. right. we should never second guess anything. we should just BE SHEEP and go BAAAAAH when prodded.

---> gonz sez "i like free speech when it's speech that i like." example
Usama 1998 said:
The youth were surprised at the low morale of the American soldiers and realized more than before that the American soldier was a paper tiger and after a few blows ran in defeat.
He watched The CBS Evening News. The boots on the ground did their job. The protesters kepp them (the terrorists) from quitting. As long as there is dissension in the US, there is hope of plausble victory by a bunch of 6th century barbarians. They have no hope of a combat victory so their job is to keep the ugly pictures & stories on TV, providing fodder to th esheep who think that war is the problem.

We had debate. The Senate & the House both overwhelmingly passed resolutions giving the Presidennt authority. The UN Security Council unanimously voted to allow the US unfettered passage.

The time for debate is, and has been, over. The time for support or silence is here.
in 1998!

let me make sure i understand this. you're quoting OBL's propaganda bullshit - that predates the current campaign by five years - to support your ideas about 'treasonous' demoralizing taking place right about... now...?

wow! it's time to exhume the bodies of jules vern and einstein! but we better be careful not to vciolate the prime directive when we go back to buy microsoft stock in the 80s....