In advance of Petraeus report.....

Not to worry--Congress agreed that the President should consult, assess, prepare and submit a report.

Hell yeah Bush should be submitting reports, what does that have to do with Petreaus not submitting a report?
you weren't just supporting the troops. you were trying to imply that others don't.

guess what?

almost everyone and their pomeranian supports the troops.

Dude, you must really be paranoid.

I was reaffirming because of statements "I've" made.
I promise you it had nothing to do with the lines, that aren't there, that you are trying to read between.

As far as, I don't believe they DO support the troops.
I couldn't care less about what you support, or anyone else that doesn't support.
I DO care when certain people of position in our government bad mouth them though.

I can't make it much clearer than that.
If you still think I'm insinuating something else, it sounds like a personal problem.
It is being written by the white house. There is no actual written report from Petraus

Since you & the commie Senators (where's Joe McCarthy when we need him) find the General in contempt of Congress, why not begin the Court Martial? He's already there.
hmmm. seat are awfully comfy on the bandwagon, aren't they? too bad it's pulled by a team wearing blinders.

What bandwagon? According to spike, Cerise & I are the only supporters of the war in America. :shrug:
What bandwagon? According to spike, Cerise & I are the only supporters of the war in America. :shrug:

nah lots of people in penitentiaries, rehab centers, mental hospitals, and masturbation crisis centers also think we should keep dumping money down a bottomless pit.
Dude, you must really be paranoid.

I was reaffirming because of statements "I've" made.
I promise you it had nothing to do with the line that aren't there that you are trying to read between.

As far as, I don't believe they DO support the troop.
I couldn't care less about what you support, or anyone else that doesn't support.
I DO care when certain people of position in our government bad mouth them though.

I can't make it much clearer than that.
If you still think I'm insinuating something else, it sounds like a personal problem.

*snicker, snicker*

It’s hard to fathom how much of the rhetoric surrounding the war on terror, Bin Laden, Iraq and the overall question of national security is due to the 2008 presidential campaign, and how much is simply due to the human propensity for leaking hot air. No sooner was the Bin Laden tape released than Democrats began shouting that our failure to capture him was emblematic of our failure to wage a successful war against Al Qaeda. Which was naturally followed by the chorus of “We’re less safe than before 9/11”.

Only a moron, a politician looking to get elected, or a combination of the two, would honestly believe that we are not safer now than we were at 9/11. There has been a tremendous amount of progress made within the intelligence and law enforcement communities on key processes and procedures that has our information collection, analysis, coordination and cooperation between the various agencies working better than it did six years ago.

Rudy answers the left's attack on General Petraeus:

Despite Republican claims that casualties and sectarian violence in Iraq are down, the numbers tell a different story:

Washington Post — “Recent estimates by the media, outside groups and some government agencies have called the military’s findings into question. The Associated Press last week counted 1,809 civilian deaths in August, making it the highest monthly total this year…” [Washington Post, 9/6/07]

Associated Press - “This year’s U.S. troop buildup has succeeded in bringing violence in Baghdad down from peak levels, but the death toll from sectarian attacks around the country is running nearly double the pace from a year ago.” [AP, 8/25/07]

Los Angeles Times - “Bombings, sectarian slayings and other violence related to the war killed at least 1,773 Iraqi civilians in August, the second month in a row that civilian deaths have risen, according to government figures obtained Friday.” [LA Times, 9/1/07] - June, July and August 2007 marked the bloodiest summer so far for U.S. troops in Iraq with 264 soldiers killed. []
Did Petraeus cook the books?

Do dems know something about Petraeus that the rest of America doesn't know?

Why would they withhold that information?

If a court martial is in order then evidence should be brought forth and the charges filed. Immediately.

Why run a full-page ad condeming Petraeus'--someone they unanimously appointed, by the way--testimony before he said a word when they could have simply come foward with the proof that the 4 Star General willfully made false statements under oath?

Don't tell me that the dems would reveal no incriminating evidence they had about the character and record of Petraeus because they would rather appear whiney and petulant in front of the American people instead of forthright and honest? That would take a willing suspension of disbelief on my part.....
cook the books?

jesus f cripe if any company was being run like this "war" they woulda been forced into backruptcy by creditors some time ago...

"we don't really have a plan, other than staying the course. which has been fruitless so far. but if we don't continue to waste money like real men should, we'll become a bunch of pussy communists. now get up there and salute that goddamn flag."