BTW...Manuel Noriega was ours, too.
Squiggy, I'll put it this way. We both know how the game is played, and we both know who was hired and for what. Our ideas on why may be different, but that's pretty much it. You called me a right winger by association. I am not. I am a moderate by definition. a13 accused me of only repeating what others say, as if I buy off on everything I'm told. I do not. You and I both know that, and I see myself agreeing with you from time to time as well. The above response to my disagreement on Osama's nobility, however, was not to be ignored.
Bottom line time...
The only news you see is the news they give you. There is no true left, or true right. We fight amongst ourselves deciding who is correct and who isn't, and those who are in charge are enriched by it. Some say that I am spoonfed my 'news', which is laughable, as they, too, are spoonfed theirs. The truth is there, but you and I will never really find it.