Israel? Gaza? Hamas? Who? What? Where?

no, it's not. there's a chunk of land that has been known by that name for some time that has passed through the control of innumerable regional powers, just like a lot of other places in that area, and, um, the rest of the world. next you're going to tell me that "iraq" is 5000 years old. or that germany existed before the 19th century. tell me about italy while you're at it, too.
Iraq is a figment of Britains imagination.

Syria, as a nation, was around well before Christianity. Yea, it's passed through many hands, most lately the Ottoman Empire & the French but the nation of Syria is quite noted.
Some old maps I've seems have Palestine stretching from India, to Syria, to the Saudi line, and back around to Iran.
That's basically the whole mid east nearly.

Boards changed over the years with conflict.

THAT's why we need to say the boards and countries are 'fixed' now, and stick to it. (like what is trying to be done)
Iraq is a figment of Britains imagination.

Syria, as a nation, was around well before Christianity. Yea, it's passed through many hands, most lately the Ottoman Empire & the French but the nation of Syria is quite noted.

the area known as syria has been talked about for some time. tell me about these people of syrian nationality. how long have they been discernable as a people?
well we do know that the palestinians and syrians are ethnically united, right? i mean, golly, didn't really take much for the alawi regime in syria to gain and keep power, did it?

In the meanwhile, every day that they're in Gaza and with every 'innocent' killed..their fragile truce with the more moderate (Sunni) Arab countries falters.

So all those rockets fired into Israel from Gaza during the past 7 years have killed no one. The only way this will ever be settled is through genocide by one side or the other.
So all those rockets fired into Israel from Gaza during the past 7 years have killed no one. The only way this will ever be settled is through genocide by one side or the other.

I really wish I could believe that was wrong. :shrug:
So all those rockets fired into Israel from Gaza during the past 7 years have killed no one. The only way this will ever be settled is through genocide by one side or the other.
Off hand, I'd say that the Israelis have killed more in the past 7 days than the rockets from Gaza have killed in the past 7 years.
Between 2000-2005
3,218 killed by Israeli security forces in the West Bank and Gaza including 657 aged under 18, 187 killed in extrajudicial executions and 296 (including at least 29 aged under 18) killed in the course of assassination operations.
56 killed by security forces in Israel
including one aged under 18

41 killed by Israeli citizens in the West Bank and Gaza
including at least three aged under 18

*There are no figures to show the proportion of Palestinians who were combatants and those who were civilians.


444 civilians killed in Israel
including 80 aged under 18

223 civilians killed in the West Bank and Gaza Strip
including 37 aged under 18

221 Israeli security forces killed in West Bank and Gaza

84 Israeli security forces killed in Israel

israel certainly does a better job of killing, huh?

the ratios of total killed to under 18 killed are also interesting.

israel weighs in at 5:1 v the 6:1 ratio of palestinians. so israel does a better job at killing kids, too. well, so much for "random terrorist attacks" v "precision military operations," eh?
Intentional targeting civilians vs targeting terrorists who hide among civilians.

forcing them to live together would work except that according to the Hamas charter, Israel & its citizens must be destroyed.
Subjugate, assimilate, segregate, annihilate - It is time for them to chose one and be done with it.
golly gee whiz gonzie, when your family is being killed, does it really matter if the killer is a quasi-state terrorist organization or a quasi-terrorist state organization?

really seems odd that the ones who are not "intentionally targeting" civilians somehow manage to kill children with higher efficiency. hmmmm. maybe they ain't so careful.

all of this will simply go away once the palestinians fully accept the fact that they have been and will continue to be third-class citizens in the lands of their grandfathers' grandfathers' birth, destined to serve as a convenient labor source, and fully accepting that any land they hold claim to is subject to arbitrary seizure by the recent-immigrant stooges the israelis jam into their front-line settlements.