It's official - masturbation is good for you!

Ok, now you're not just perverts, you're major perverts.

How did I ever do so right with you? What did I do to deserve this?
Nixy said:
No, no, no, 5 times a day isn't to much but 5 times a day, every day, no matter how tired you were, just to prevent prostate cancer MIGHT get tedious everyone once in awhile.

You're telling us that you wouldn't 'double-click your mouse 5 times a day for months on end if you had;
a) The time
b) The energy
c) Earmuffs *to protect your hearing from those sreams you've talked about
d) The Cause (Save your life)
e) All of the above

**'d be saving your's worth it, non?
5 times a day? When i was 14, that was expected!

A bunch of my friends had a contest to see who could do it the most in one day. This guy named Booger claimed he did it 13 times. I think he's a liar. Second place was 9. There was a large pack of us back between 6 and 8. The top girl finished with 7.
Next time you have that contest, make everyone save the byproducts, in a separate container for each fap. That way you'll have some proof. :D
Inkara1 said:
Next time you have that contest, make everyone save the byproducts, in a separate container for each fap. That way you'll have some proof. :D

Only if you stand and watch them do it! :bolt:
This is all good and fine, but what about us poor saps who don't have time to spank off? I mean, c'mon, what with the missus, the girlfriend, the woman next door, when the hell am I supposed to be able to spank off? I'm doomed to die of prostate cancer.
Well... I'd venture to guess that sex counts too. So if you hit up each of the three each day, you only have to spank it twice a day. If you can convince two of them to let you go twice, then you're taken care of. :D
Inky: 5 times a week

If he had each of them once a day he'd have 16 more than he needed :D