It's official - masturbation is good for you!

Professur said:
So, everyone up to date on their prostate exams?

the doctor putting finger up butt test, no I am not, and nor will I be anytime soon.

(I have 10 years before it become necessary and cancer risks really start)
Professur said:
One big difference. A vaginal is meant to have something shoved up it. A guy's butthole isn't.

I agree with you but will go as far as to say NOONE'S butthole is meant to have stuff shoved up it.

Honestly I don't see what the big deal with cervical swabs is...if you've got a good doc it's not painful in anyway...uncomfortable sure but not painful.
i've heard of licensed practical nurses, registered nurses, nurse practitioners and nurse anesthesis (?sp), but never heard of a practice nurse.