Jan. 26, 2010

Goth - they don't have to try and make Taitz look like a loon..she does rather well on her own. All they seem to do is keep giving her more rope to hang herself with...frankly, I wouldn't be giving her the airtime...there's gotta be better news items out there...a kitten in an Azalea or another panda sneezing.
Don't be so surprised at who the networks put on TV. Jerry Springer has a show. Trash TV has a following.

Since I don't watch TV I don't know who Taitz is (or any of these other TV celebs). And I'm far too lazy to look it up right now.
I don't watch TV either...but her appearances have been YouTubed to bits. She's leading the 'birther' group and a kind of spokesperson.
I don't watch TV either...but her appearances have been YouTubed to bits. She's leading the 'birther' group and a kind of spokesperson.
People enjoy watching a crazy. Some people enjoy following a crazy. So she's a nut, just like Louis Farrakhan.
I guess we'll see, unless obama and crew, stonewall again.
In that case it will only feed the theory more, and make her look more credible.

Ventura might get onboard next. :D
Goth - they don't have to try and make Taitz look like a loon..she does rather well on her own. All they seem to do is keep giving her more rope to hang herself with...frankly, I wouldn't be giving her the airtime...there's gotta be better news items out there...a kitten in an Azalea or another panda sneezing.

Her arguments are valid as to why those newspaper announcements and the certificate of live birth are not sufficient despite ad hominem arguments.

Obama refuses to show his original long form birth certificate which only fuels the "birther" movement.
Obama refuses to show his original long form birth certificate which only fuels the "birther" movement.

for the last time... what he produced is the kind of birth certificate that hawaii issues. that is the available public record. hawaii has certified it.
For the last time?


It is the available public record, yes, but the original birth record database is stored on microfiche.

It would look like this:


And he could get it here: http://hawaii.gov/health/vital-records/pdf/birth.pdf

If he wanted to.

But for some reason he'd rather use lawyers to fight the release of it. :shrug:

From a common sense perspective 0bama has suspiciously withheld his original vital records of birth, inviting speculation that he has something to hide -- most likely a clue to something that would disqualify him from being President such as foreign birth.
for the last time... what he produced is the kind of birth certificate that hawaii issues. that is the available public record. hawaii has certified it.

You obviously did not look at the little video I have linked. And Cerise answered you well.
and the state would mail him exactly what he's already shown, the usual and customary birth cert for the state.

get over it.

No, they would allow a person who has, to borrow a word, standing, either himself or an immediate relative, access to it. It is definitely available. The birth certificate. Not certificate of live birth. As you saw there is a link he can use, and I believe the fee is $10.00. Waaaay less than the millions he's spent on lawyers not to release it.

Wake up.
I've posted a link to this before... here's what is needed to end the debate...

This is a link to the Certificate of Live Birth (a.k.a., Birth Certificate) available from Honolulu, Hawaii.

And if you don't like Snopes you can go here and find this at politifact.com ...

Don't like that? Here's another from FactCheck.org...

I understand taking "The Devil's Advocate" side of things but at some point you have to give way to reason and realize that the motives of the "birthers" isn't fact but attention at any cost.
This 01-07-2010 motion to take judicial notice is important because it proves that there existed, at the time of Barry's 1961 birth, an avenue for a HI birth certificate to be obtained for a foreign-born baby.



What in fact the territorial statute in effect before the 1982 statute sets out is an even greater latitude enabling and entitling persons to register a child for up to a year after its birth and to do so, if not attended by a locally licensed physician or midwife, for the parents or one of them to fill out the birth certificate or for a “local registrar” to fill out a birth certificate “from anyone having knowledge of the birth.” Thus a child born outside of Hawaii and attended by a non-Hawaii licensed health care provider or born unattended could get a Hawaii birth certificate nonetheless.

The specific Act of the state legislature which brought the attached territorial statute up to date and incorporated it into that Code was Act 182 H.B. No. 3016-82. We ask the Court to take judicial notice of that Act as thus passed in 1982 at this time. The actual Act 182 says, inter alia:

Upon application of an adult or the legal parents of a minor child, the director of health shall issue a birth certificate for such adult or minor, provided that the proof has been submitted to the director of health that the legal parents of such individual while living without the Territory or State of Hawaii had declared the Territory or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately preceding the birth or adoption of such child.

In this way, to quote further from the Act, “state policies and procedures” of Hawaii accommodate even “children born out of State.”


We believe that the Court is obligated to take judicial notice of the attached territorial statute and, in doing so take judicial notice that there are ways that a “birth certificate” can have been obtained for a child under that statute that are allowed greater latitude for such a “birth certificate” to have been obtained that would be restricted under the present statute, so that the present statute allows for a child to have been born outside the state and still have been issued a Hawaiian “birth certificate,” but does so without the same breadth of possibilities for that having happened as was possible under the attached territorial statute.

For example, under § 57-9(a) allows for a situation where the official then knows as the “local registrar” can obtain information from “any person having knowledge of the birth” and prepare and file the birth certificate. We ask the Court to take notice of the latitude for inaccurate information that is thus created. Further, § 57-9(b) allows there to be a filing of a certificate of birth on which required information is simply missing and can thus be filed by a “supplementary report” and yet the filing of initially unsupplied information by a “supplementary report is not considered as causing that report with information that was not supplied at the outset to be treated as “delayed” or “altered.” It must be noticed that this creates great latitude for mistakes or even abuse of requirements. Thus, although § 57-18 gives the same time frame—one year—that was incorporated in the 1982 state statute, for a “delayed” or “altered” certificate, the procedures give greater latitude for there to be mistakes and abuse of the procedures and for incomplete information.

This great latitude that allows for mistakes, misinformation, incomplete information and even abuse in turn extends into the requirements for what is put on the birth certificates, or required to be put on them, how they are to be kept and disclosed and all the other aspects of the system."
The only reason I can't go into full blown get-over-it, ala minkey, is, Obama had the current Governor seal his records when Granny died.

Why did he do this?
If that image is, indeed, real, can you image the turmoil we could go through?
crap on trade and amnesty for illegals is next

distract yerselves with this while they pass deathcare