Jan. 26, 2010

There would be rioting and looting! Everything he passed from day one would be invalid. If the decision is after November, then Pelosi is not in the picture!
This 01-07-2010 motion to take judicial notice is important because it proves that there existed, at the time of Barry's 1961 birth, an avenue for a HI birth certificate to be obtained for a foreign-born baby.
If Barak Obama is not a US citizen then neither is McCain, or anyone born abroad under the law which allows registration of live births to US citizens not living on US soil. Any child born to a parent who serves his/her country and is stationed in another country would have the same dilemma. Any child born to a diplomat stationed abroad also would have the same dilemma. Any child born to a US citizen who works for a company that sent him/her to live abroad would be in the same pickle.

The law was created to cover all of those situations and to allow US citizens to register their progeny as US citizens.

None of your arguments makes any sense if you read the law and research the claim honestly. I can't understand the controversy other than people using this birth certificate thing as a veiled attack. As I said, the law is as it is. Sorry the "nigra" got elected and these people are all pissed about having "blackie" sit in the white house. They need to get over it and move on with their lives. Find something valid and meaningful to fight: poverty; hunger; inadequate health care; violence; racism. Pick one.
Article two of the constitution states that "no person except a natural born citizen...shall be eligible to the Office of president."

McCain is a natural born citizen because he was born to 2 American citizens on a US military base in the Panama Canal Zone, which was under US sovereignty at the time.

Even the senate said so.

Weighing in on an arcane question that has arisen because of Mr. McCain’s birth in the Panama Canal Zone, the Senate without opposition approved a nonbinding resolution recognizing that Mr. McCain is a natural-born citizen.
If Barak Obama is not a US citizen then neither is McCain, or anyone born abroad under the law which allows registration of live births to US citizens not living on US soil. Any child born to a parent who serves his/her country and is stationed in another country would have the same dilemma. Any child born to a diplomat stationed abroad also would have the same dilemma. Any child born to a US citizen who works for a company that sent him/her to live abroad would be in the same pickle.

That could be true. So what? The Constitution is clear. However, I'm fairly certain that John McCain, being born on a Naval base (or whatever it was) is on US territorial land. Kenya does not have that claim.

Although, I'd be willing to allow the Constitution to stand, as is, and limit the potential President to those only born within the 50 (or is it 57?) US states or DC. Is there a problem with that?

other than people using this birth certificate thing as a veiled attack. As I said, the law is as it is. Sorry the "nigra" got elected and these people are all pissed about having "blackie" sit in the white house. They need to get over it and move on with their lives. Find something valid and meaningful to fight: poverty; hunger; inadequate health care; violence; racism. Pick one.

The only people I hear claiming his race, in any fashion, are those who support him. I have not met anyone who gives one whip about his race...again, except those who support him. It looks to me that the race-card is being used to attack free speech & open debate.
Secondhand Hate: Another step downhill for modern liberalism.

Could Obama's support have dwindled because middle America had become estranged, then appalled, by the spiraling deficits and Obama's health care proposal? Certainly not. It was because the right wing somehow "blackened Obama," informing people who might not have noticed that the president was not all that white. "I started thinking opponents were blackening Obama back in July, after the racial drama of the Sotomayor hearings," Walsh said.

In fact, that "racial drama," such as it was, was the work of Democrats who stressed Sotomayor's ethnic background to appeal to Hispanic voters. But to Walsh it evoked the ethnic background of Barack Obama, which must have ticked off--again--all those evil conservatives. "There's no denying, he got blacker to a segment of the white population," Walsh asserted.

Really? By Walsh's logic, Obama must have been light beige through much of the summer of 2008 (when he held a slight point lead over McCain), then become a bit browner after the Republican convention (when McCain led by a bit), then lightened again at the financial meltdown in mid-September, and become moon-like in his paleness by Election Day, when he carved out a seven-point win.

From then, he must have turned pearl-white by his Inauguration, at which point he was approved of even by people who voted against him and basked in favorable ratings of nearly 70 percent. Then, in late spring, he once more grew darker, a trend that continues. Or perhaps his approval ratings simply fell because he was a man trying to govern from the left in what is and remains a center-right country? Perish the thought.


This line of "analysis" was presaged by Timothy Noah of Slate, who argued on August 4, 2008, that references to Obama's "skinniness" (or his big ears) were racist, since they directed attention to his physical being, one characteristic of which is his color. "When white people are invited to think about Obama's physical appearance, the principal attribute they're likely to dwell on is his dark skin." Noah titled this aperçu "When 'Skinny' Means 'Black.' " By his logic, almost anything could be construed to mean "black." In other words, there was nothing that a critic might say about Obama that could not be interpreted as a racist attack on him. When Noah first wrote this, he was ridiculed widely. But not, it now is apparent, ridiculed widely enough.
If Barak Obama is not a US citizen then neither is McCain,

what does McyC have to do with Obama?

Why do you throw up McCain?
Did he win? No

I guess you are still on that page where ...if someone doesn't like Obama,
They Must be Republican, or must have supported McC.

Deflection just seems to look like desperation anymore when tried.
There's a whole new movement now man, and it ain't a party thing.
Maybe you'll start to see/understand the 'new politics' that's afoot, in
3-6 more months....maybe.
I've been wrong before though, when it comes to the 'understanding' of others.
If Barak Obama is not a US citizen then neither is McCain, or anyone born abroad under the law which allows registration of live births to US citizens not living on US soil. Any child born to a parent who serves his/her country and is stationed in another country would have the same dilemma. Any child born to a diplomat stationed abroad also would have the same dilemma. Any child born to a US citizen who works for a company that sent him/her to live abroad would be in the same pickle.

The law was created to cover all of those situations and to allow US citizens to register their progeny as US citizens.

None of your arguments makes any sense if you read the law and research the claim honestly. I can't understand the controversy other than people using this birth certificate thing as a veiled attack. As I said, the law is as it is. Sorry the "nigra" got elected and these people are all pissed about having "blackie" sit in the white house. They need to get over it and move on with their lives. Find something valid and meaningful to fight: poverty; hunger; inadequate health care; violence; racism. Pick one.

At the time of Obama's birth, the law which applies to those who only have one parent with U.S. citizenship and was born outside the country stated...

"If only one parent was a U.S. citizen at the time of your birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for at least ten years, at least five of which had to be after the age of 16."

Obama's mother did not meet the criteria if Obama was not born in Hawaii.
Well it’s good to know that our first
African non-American President
turned out to be such a colossal failure that
we won’t have to vote for another ever again.
Today this march has started in earnest.

Time to call for the pres. to make an appearance on this, on the 26th.
We'll see if this concern will finally get completely addressed.
I kinda doubt it.

Kick Ass. Take Names. :headbang:
It's been addressed over and over again, Cato... but the Uber-nutty-Reps are sitting there with their fingers in their ears shouting "lalalalalala" and trying pretty much everything to somehow discredit Obama...all the while closing their eyes to pretty much everything his predecessor did. :shrug:

D'ya seriously think that if the President showed up on the 26th and proved once and for all that he is a natural born citizen that Orly Taitz and her followers would believe it, or even stop trying to disprove it?

It's a conspiracy theory...and like all good conspiracy theory, the truth should never get in the way of trying to discover the truth*

*as they think it should be.
It's been addressed over and over again, Cato... .

not good enough.

Lets see it addressed One more time...under oath this time.
If addressed 'properly', personally you nor anyone else will hear another word about it from me.

I don't think it will ever happen though.

Addressed? Not in the right way. Only in 'their' way.
Not sufficient.
not good enough.

Lets see it addressed One more time...under oath this time.
If addressed 'properly', personally you nor anyone else will hear another word about it from me.

I don't think it will ever happen though.

Addressed? Not in the right way. Only in 'their' way.
Not sufficient.

What exactly makes you think that Obama somehow got the nod from the Dem party as a candidate for Presidency without a thorough look into his past... the kind of thoroughness that involves questioning of friends, family, neighbours etc...by people from the FBI/CIA/NSA etc...?

Allowing someone to run as your party's representative which you didn't check properly would be a death knell for the Democratic Party.
It's about time you guys got rid of the two-party system anyway...adding a third or fourth party would certainly help.. they could steal candidates from the two existing. Maybe something in a nice purple.
What exactly makes you think that Obama somehow got the nod from the Dem party as a candidate for Presidency without a thorough look into his past... the kind of thoroughness that involves questioning of friends, family, neighbours etc...by people from the FBI/CIA/NSA etc...?

Allowing someone to run as your party's representative which you didn't check properly would be a death knell for the Democratic Party.

the first thing that comes to mind is the vetting screwups in the current admin,
and the rejects for admin.

They don't 'vet', they 'know people'.