Jeslek - Banned..but who done it?

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Winky said:
none of these peeps would return anyways
(outside of Krusty heh)
you all are deluding yerselves
put up er shut up
I donnu about that...Hexploit came back for a bit.
All it takes is an email and OTC'll drag some of them back...not all, by all means, but some.
unclehobart said:
He asked to be banned... it was half a farce in the first place.
..but he did come back. Those who were banned might have a greater desire to come back, non?
Yeah Me too
and Gawd knows I've done my level best!

Q:Whata ya get when ya ban all the contra members
onna chit-chat bored?

A: a freakin' snooze-fest Zzzzzzzzzzz.......
Gotholic said:
And he is back anyway. Apparently, Altron was worse?

Altron was YOUNG, he was a child, he grew up and was allowed back. Jizlicker was 19/20 when he was here...there is no excuse for how he acted except that he's a nut job.
Well, considering boys mature later than girls.. :p

I say bring him back. After all, the dude's responsible for a couple of the most popular and long lasting threads here.

Plus, I'm bored.
Winky said:
Yeah Me too
and Gawd knows I've done my level best!

Q:Whata ya get when ya ban all the contra members
onna chit-chat bored?

A: a freakin' snooze-fest Zzzzzzzzzzz.......

Be careful what you wish for...the end is neer
I think all the infamous members we had are different. There are only two which I put in the category of consistently malicious and who caused problems that to me, were detrimental. Jeslek and Altron were not in that category. And those other two were allowed back in numerous times because they prompted a lot of traffic on the board. For worse or for better.

Nixy's right about LastLegionary/Jeslek, he should have been old enough to know better but very immature for his age. To me, he was more annoying than mean-spirited. Funny, I thought Altron and Jeslek were at the same maturity level but there was what, a 5-6 year difference in age?
Starya said:
Well, considering boys mature later than girls.. :p

I say bring him back. After all, the dude's responsible for a couple of the most popular and long lasting threads here.

Plus, I'm bored.

He's a seriously twisted individual.
greenfreak said:
Funny, I thought Altron and Jeslek were at the same maturity level but there was what, a 5-6 year difference in age?

Or more...Altron is still younger than Jizlicker was then and his maturity is above and beyond what we could have even IMAGINED for Jizlicker...
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