Jon Stewart's 'Rally to Restore Sanity' already outpacing Glenn Beck's rally


New Member
Good news for sanity...

Jon Stewart just announced his "Rally to Restore Sanity" last Thursday, yet he already has more people pledged to attend the event than Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally. Comparisons between the two events will surely continue, as Stewart's rally is at least partially a response to Beck's. So far all indicators point to Stewart's producing a larger following than Beck's.

After less than one week, the Facebook page for Stewart's "Rally to Restore Sanity" already has 93,000 RSVP's. Now, many who have pledged to attend will undoubtedly not actually be there for various reasons, but another 48,000 say they might attend. In addition, the numbers above do not include the 37,000 who say they will attend Stephen Colbert's "March to Keep Fear Alive," scheduled at the same time and place as Stewart's rally. Colbert also has 14,000 who say they might attend his event. Stewart and Colbert will hold the event on October 30th from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET. That gives them another month to promote the event and increase their numbers. At this rate, both rallies could easily produce a tally of more than a million followers, but it has yet to be seen whether the current pace can continue or whether these people will actually show up.

The best estimates for Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally put his numbers much lower than Stewart and Colbert. CBS News paid an independent firm to estimate Beck's crowd size. The firm, which specializes in making crowd size estimates for many organizations, including the Department of Homeland Security, used multiple aerial photos and independent experts to make their estimate. Their analysis revealed that approximately 87,000 people attended Beck's rally. Beck contended that "hundreds of thousands" were at his rally, but provided no independent or scientific analysis behind that number.

So unless Stewart's rally significantly under-produces from its current numbers, it will undoubtedly be larger than Beck's. Stewart has sold his rally as an effort to give a voice to more reasonable moderates, who he claims make up a larger percentage of the population. Stewart argued that the current political discourse in America is dominated by those who advocate the most extreme viewpoints, and with the loudest voice. While not specifically mentioning Beck, his reference seemed clear. Stephen Colbert will likely be mocking personalities like Beck with his "March to Keep Fear Alive."

While Stewart's rally has gained the largest following, the movement to hold a rally actually began with a group who encouraged Stephen Colbert to hold a "Restoring Truthiness" rally in response to Beck's rally. The idea soon caught fire on internet sites like Reddit and Facebook. After hinting that they might agree to the concept, both Stewart and Colbert officially announced their events last week.
“I am here to be a voice for my generation,” she says. “We are not asking you to agree with or approve the moral implications of homosexuality. We’re asking you to do" Lady Gaga says – to protect the constitution.”

The pop star also urges fans and her “fellow Americans” to also call their local senators - she provides the Capitol's switchboard number - and ask them to side with Senators Harry Reid and Carl Levin and repeal this law.

“Senators, when you are sending our men and women into war, when you’re sending our wives, husbands, sons and daughters into combat, will you honor their service? Will you support repealing this law on Tuesday and pledge to them that no American’s life is more valuable than another?” she asks.

She goes on to say that “400 solders under president Obama’s administration alone were discharged under ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’”



A-Team says Teaparty is Racist

Maher wanted to know what this was all about. Actor Jon Hamm said that the "Luo tribesman" statement was racist. "That's what it's all sort of couched in ... that's the secret agenda." He then added this: "When they say [Obama] is a 'Luo tribesman,' it's all sort of code."

Fellow guest Martha Raddatz agreed with Hamm. "That's the message there ... that Obama's 'exotic,'" she said. "[That] there's something 'different' about him than the rest of us."

Hamm finished up the "racism" discussion with a jab at conservatives. He said that the Tea Party keeps taking about "taking back" America. "Well," he said, "who are 'we' taking it back from?" Hamm then concluded with this remark: "I'm pretty sure ... 'we' as Americans still have America. I don't know who 'we' need to take it back from." The crowd applauded when he was done.

Actor Jon Hamm: The Tea Party Is "Racist" on Bill Maher

Dun-de-dum da da da tumn de tum de dum.
"I love it when plan comes together"
Why can't LiLo do drugs in moderation?

America is a country of extremists: Tea Party-ers and Green Party-ers; gluttonous consumers and Freegans; abstinence advocates and Lady Gagas. Moderation is unpopular. Our mantras are “More, more, more” and “Less, less, less.” And though I understand that life would be much less exciting if stripped of extreme and excessive behavior, I do sometimes wonder if, when it comes to drugs, people (and by people I mean celebrities) could just chill the fuck out. Obviously I’m talking about Lindsay Lohan. As you’ve all heard by now, LiLo’s failed a couple drug tests, a bench warrant has been issued, and she'll appear before a judge on Friday to see if she’ll be sent back to the slammer. Now, I’ve known a lot of people who have enjoyed a lot of drugs. Some of those people - a very tiny percentage - have become serious addicts and have suffered greatly. Some have recovered and some have not. Addiction is not a joke. But most people do no become serious addicts. They don’t ever go to jail or ruin their lives and relationships. They just get fucked up sometimes.

Celebrities, on the other hand, don’t seem to understand that moderate drug use is possible. That there are ways of not getting caught - like not driving while intoxicated, or not leaving dead hookers in your hotel room, or not doing drugs when you have to take a drug test. It seems like all celebrities are either sober virgins or destined to end up in cushy, poolside rehab after one wild night. We, of course, encourage this behavior by writing and reading about each and every incident, and by never telling these celebrities that there’s such a thing as getting high with your friends without causing such a scene. I will not speculate as to the state of Lilo’s addiction. For all I know, she’s out there giving hand jobs every night behind 7/11 for a sip from the glass dick. But c’mon, Lindsay, couldn’t you have waited to do coke again until after your probation? Or at least bought one of those “how to pass a drug test” kits that they sell in the back of sketchy magazines? Put in a little effort, here. For your own sake.

Blackbook News
Stewart can get all of the "pledges" he wants. The proof of the pudding is the number of people who actually show up.

The fact is that he will never have this "rally" because he knows it will be a colossal flop.
After less than one week, the Facebook page for Stewart's "Rally to Restore Sanity" already has 93,000 RSVP's. Now, many who have pledged to attend will undoubtedly not actually be there for various reasons, but another 48,000 say they might attend. In addition, the numbers above do not include the 37,000 who say they will attend Stephen Colbert's "March to Keep Fear Alive," scheduled at the same time and place as Stewart's rally. Colbert also has 14,000 who say they might attend his event. Stewart and Colbert will hold the event on October 30th from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET. That gives them another month to promote the event and increase their numbers. At this rate, both rallies could easily produce a tally of more than a million followers, but it has yet to be seen whether the current pace can continue or whether these people will actually show up.

I see nowhere near 300-400 thousand in those numbers.
As far I know, they haven't even obtained the required permits yet.

I hope they make it a great commercial success, making lots of money and publicity for their TV shows.

The Free Market, it works and helps people!

Stewart can get all of the "pledges" he wants. The proof of the pudding is the number of people who actually show up.

The fact is that he will never have this "rally" because he knows it will be a colossal flop.

The rally is on.

I see nowhere near 300-400 thousand in those numbers.

Why are you looking for 300-400 thousand?
What disinformation are you referring to?

Seems like your the queen of disinformation what with being caught making up crap daily.

It's only new news to you, get back to sucking off Soros for your propaganda.

And again, i'd like to thank you for the change you have brought us; dumbfuckstan is shrinking more every day. Dems are falling everywhere, there is now hope for the future.


Canada, you'ld like it there.
Jon Stewart's a putz and won't get five people.

Dang she beat the tar out of him
thankfully we weren’t subjected
to his wishy washy, lying response.

I too was amused by Ryan Witt’s
inability to do even simple arithmetic.
It'd be funny to see a joke rally taken seriously as opposed to a 'serious rally' seen as a joke.
...and don't worry about the mess you made, we'll clean it up. ;)

We're cleaning up your mess now. It was quite a big fucking mess too.

So which disinformation or "new news" were you talking about? Or do you just blurt out meeningless stuff at random that shuld be ignored?
Well, given that supporters of the 'honor' rally had to take time off their jobs to attend, and supporters of the 'sanity' don't have to be home to have their welfare checks delivered ... I agree with Spike that Stewart's rally should far outpace Beck's.