Just Wondering?

Squiggy said:
Not weird at all....for OTC anyway....We've had threads explaining how to cook banana skins to be used for sexual purposes...Why would THIS be weird?


Do apply linkage .....
Well...Ok...But you have to promise not to freak me out...

* Strips and sits to listen to the "tell all" tales of peterska2....
Squiggy said:
Well...Ok...But you have to promise not to freak me out...

* Strips and sits to listen to the "tell all" tales of peterska2....

Can't promise to not freak you I'm afraid. It's a freaky life that I lead and full of twists and problems.
Well gonna have to hang on while I get meself a bit organised here. Dont want me to hang meself on the printer cable now do you?
Squiggy said:
See...Now you're getting me all excited....:faptard:

Why is KA nuts and mental?

Well back in 1979 when KA was born she was dropped and landed on her head.

Then at age 5 was left to fend for herself when her mom was too busy looking after her little brother who had just been born.

At age 7 she had to move schools and was then bullied until she left primary school at age 11.

At age 10 she attacked a teacher after being subject of a lot of abuse both physical and mental from some other people in the class.

At age 11 she had to move house again and had a mental breakdown

At age 12 she had some terrible experiences

At age 14 she had to have a load of time off school due to mental ill health

At age 15 all within a month she had an uncle commit suicide, a grandparent almost die while waiting for a major organ transplant which was only recieved with 2 days left for the grandparent to live, her dad in a very serious car crash, GCSE mock exams, and mum having to move in with her aunty while she greived for her husband. then there was of course the funeral and trip across the country to see her grandparent every other day. not forgetting christmas and new year thrown in amogst it all for good measure

At 16 she had another breakdown

At 18 she had another terrible experience

At 18 she left college and went to work full time

At 19 she returned to college and started her courses again but was constantly being watched by the teachers as she was a known trouble maker and wagger of lessons

At 20 she was the cheif earner in the family after her father was made redundant.

At 21 she was faced with huge debts and massive problems relating to them

At 22 she had another massive breakdown and was unable to work for months

At 23 she has lost two jobs and had numerous breakdowns.

I think that covers the KA life story

Now onto the fixations with strange things

Why does KA have strange fixations?

KA was a stress head in fact still is very much so.

The first time she was ever in any trouble on the net she was deeply concerned and worried about it. Things passed and calmed down and then all was well with the world. Then a fight broke out and KA as always was in the middle of it. Result was a ban from the site involved. KA was shocked but quite liked the message that came up on the screen. Devised a way of getting around the ban and then continued to post. Then this became a thing that as quick as an ID was getting banned another was being registered. Great plan. However, this resulted in total lock out eventually. Not a problem. Found a way around it. Carried on. Loves messing the team around because she knows that they have to try and keep up and that she is usually one step ahead and so they play her game and not the other way around.

This then started to spread to other sites to see how far the boundaries could be pushed before the favorite of her screens came up.

What started a s a laugh became a fixation and now unless there are a large number of bans in a week, even if they are only temp ones, she gets very upset.

I think that that explains quite a lot.

Now why do I talk about myself in the third person?
First of all...Thanks for sharing. :hug: It helps to know a bit about who are speaking to.

Second...It sounds like you took some pretty hard knocks to get where you are...I'm sorry you had to experience all of that. :hug:

Third....Most of us on the internet have 'reasons' for being here instead of out enjoying RL...If all the stories were told I doubt anyone could bare to read them all. Just know that much of your pain has been felt at one time or another by many of the people here....:hug:

Lastly...This is one of the finest group of people when it comes to lending support to crushed egos, or feelings, or whatever might befall one of us...I know this first hand as I've leaned on them a few times myself. Get comfortable. And take some comfort in knowing we are here for you. :hug: