Well-Known Member
Me? Mod this place? I've got enough boards to Mod as is..thanks.Still bucking for that job, eh?

Me? Mod this place? I've got enough boards to Mod as is..thanks.Still bucking for that job, eh?
Wow, I've never seen this side of you before. I like it and whole heartedly agree.
I still find it..........bizarre............that a woman would think that a man verbally abusing, even tho it is the internet, another woman, appealing.
I still find it..........bizarre............that a woman would think that a man verbally abusing, even tho it is the internet, another woman, appealing.
I still find it..........bizarre............that a woman would think that a man verbally abusing, even tho it is the internet, another woman, appealing.
I still find it..........bizarre............that a woman would think that a man verbally abusing, even tho it is the internet, another woman, appealing.
Maybe because you're (singular-directed at Cerise) trying to use it as a crutch so you and Spike and Jim(plural) and on and on can just sit there with your(plural) fucking bullshit all fucking day long, accomplishing fucking shit and annoying the shit out of the rest of us. Instead, we'll see nothing but "message blocked because ¨'XXXXX'(plural) is on your ignore list" 50,000,000,000 fucking times and nothing else in any thread anywhere. All we've had here is you people(plural) dumping shit out of your(plural) mouths over and over and over again. Your(singular-directed at Cerise) suggestion is no better than people building luxury high-rise condos next to an airport and then bitching over and over and over again until the airport, which was there first, gets shut down. You're(singular-directed at Cerise) asking someone like me, who has six years at this board and 8 1/2 years with the core members here dating back to Hardware Central and, to have to make changes to accommodate you and the other newcomers(plural). Fuck that(first explicative not used as an adjective, but still not directed at a person).
On a side note... you haven't changed Spike's mind about any single fucking thing, and he hasn't changed yours or jim's, etc. Maybe it's time for all of you to weigh the cost-benefit ratio. I did so, if you'll notice I don't engage anyone in debates in the RW forum anymore. Even a rat eventually learns that pressing the button and getting zapped with 5,000 volts sucks and will eventually stop doing it.
you people
Aw, shit! I said the fuck word on the internet! I must have Tourette's or something!
That's the part you don't understand. There are lurkers here all of the time and they see the innanity of post such as Spike's -- which by the way the list I posted were all his -- and they don't want to come into a place where the "debate" is made up nearly exclusively of snappy one liners.
How do you think you would have done in a debate wherein the contention was "John Walker has done nothing wrong"? That would be the so-called "American Taliban" John Walker. How do you think someone of the caliber of Spike would have handled it?