we'll have to listen to Liberals debate security measures here in the good old U.S. of A.
We don't have to wait that long... it's already happening and you're letting it happen...embracing it with open arms. "C'mon...take my freedoms away...I don't mind. Makes me feel safer"The Other One said:Ding Ding Ding Ding!!
I think you're on the right path now, Ace! A very apt description of what the U.S. would be like if the Muslim Terrorists set up shop here. Of course, those citizens that weren't killed would be converted to Islam, and then they wouldn't need those rights.
Don't give rights to the terrorists, but don't throw away the baby with the bathwater either, cause eventually those rights that you're willing to give up for others today, will be your own rights that you're giving up tomorrow. you OK with search and seisure in your home town, with YOUR kids and wife? Security cameras looking over YOUR shoulder, YOUR purchases being traced, YOUR movements being traced? I could've sworn that the whole Republican dogma was "Keep the GVT out of my back yard"TOO said:Ding Ding Again!
If it is so obvious that terrorists work around the law, don't fight under their country's flag, (for that matter al Quada isn't a country and doesn't have a flag), don't wear a uniform, pop out of their holes only to murder then go underground again, why try to give civil rights to them? Some people demand that they should be treated with the same kid gloves that we handle their Kuran in GITMO with. Who could that be?
I'll take "Treasonous seditious weasels who can't get over losing the election twice for $500, Alex."
How long do you figure this war will go on? It's not a country where you can say "Now...we've won because of 'A' 'B' or 'C' have been accomplished." Do the war measures stop when/if there is withdrawl from Iraq?Gonz said:The key is...we are at war. Things are different during wartime. Always have been, always will be. Things that would, under normal circumstances not even be considered, are allowable during a time of crisis.
The current argument, and I'll tell you it's ugly in the backrooms of the conservative/Republican/Libertarian members, is, whether it's better to give up a little now & stop the enemy or shall we allow them unfettered access to kill us, at which point, we're dead & freedom is thrust upon us. Continue searching grandmothers & allowing Male Muslims betweeen 15-45 to step onto the plane. Which makes the most sense?
Bish said:... but at what cost?
Oh FUCK THIS!!!! .Winky said:Blah, blah, blahdy blah...
chcr said:Oh FUCK THIS!!!! .![]()
Winky said:Oh Fook That!!!!
I figgered more Springer...unclehobart said:Just don' innerup mah Oprah.
*typical whitey*
The key is...we are at war. Things are different during wartime. Always have been, always will be. Things that would, under normal circumstances not even be considered, are allowable during a time of crisis.
I dunno, are we counting the "War on Drugs," the "War on Poverty," and the "Cold War?"Luis G said:How many years of actual peace has the US had since WW2 ended?