Long overdue get to know your neighbor thread

Juggernaut said:
Rex-male (32 yr old)
Houston, TX
1 wife- female (30 yr old)
1 kid- female(4 yr old)
1 dog-female (1 yr old black lab)
1 fish-? Beta

Hey Jugs! Nice to see ya. :)

Btw, if your fish is colorful, it's a boy. The females don't come in all those colors, they're usually just brown or yellow.
I haved missed ya'll.

Thanks Greeny, I knew this internet thing would be useful someday.

Hey Homelan! I am doing alright. Anybody heard from Inky or Justin lately?
Inky pops in from time to time. Hes a busy las these days. Justin has faded off like a shadow in the noontime sun insofar as I can tell.
Phillip Head :p
North Alabama
Divorced - Single
Daughter - 24
Son - 22
Grandkids - 3 (6, 4 and 2)
The missus thought her name was unique. Until I showed her her name in three different books in her father's own bookcase
Aunty Em said:
I forgot:

Casper my cat (8m) - favorite food > plastic bags!? :eek: ...

he's only been with us for 2 years - anyone know a good pet psychologist?

yeah, i know one here in cardiff, she's nice

while i'm at it

cardiff, uk
not married [live with my missus of 6 years], no sprogs
people use the term 'missus' to just mean their other half (girlfriend, fiance, wife) a lot of the time over here. :D