major power outage

Damnit, my grandma and my entire family live up there and im sure they got that power outage. I can see mass chaos comign from this, i feel sorry for the folks with no power.

Our donkey raping shit eating governor is making plans to help them get power, but i think hes just saying that to make it look like he cares
In 1996 or thereabouts, the west half of the US had a similar outage. It's because something happened up in Idaho or thereabouts and it messed up the entire pacific intertie. I was only without power for two or three hours, though.
*checks google* July 2, 1996 first outage occurred because a power line in Idaho sagged too close to a tree. More than two million customers without power. August 10, 1996, a couple of lines near the California/Oregon border sag too close to trees. That left 7.5 million customers without power.
Excuse the language, but what the fuck?

It's a power cut , not the end of the world. Why should there be mass chaos? The only thing that could cause chaos is this media scaremongering bullshit. Suggesting a terrorist attack, and the possibility that all of America could go dark is the quickest way to cause panic. I'm guessing most of the people out there would be chilling out, knowing that they've got the rest of the day off work.

I'm guessing you guys who live out in the black-out regions aren't overly fussed, other than the fact that your fridge will start smelling bad. This crap about predictions of rioting and hysteria is just a good way of starting something. The media is just waiting excitedly for something to break out, with MSN news looking decidedly disappointed that the power is coming back on.

lol, if it goes out for a while everyone would turn into hippies and live in teepees and smoke there whacky tobacco and sing there songs and not do anything.

Hay, it could happen.

yay, go dj
greenfreak said:
I left work at 5:15pm to go pick up Rusty and it took me half an hour to drive two and a half miles. We got home at about 7pm, taking mostly parkways because there were no stop lights on any roads. I have to tell you though, I saw less selfishness and stupid driving today than ever on the roads. No one cutting anyone off. No cops directing traffic, people just giving others their turn. There were a lot of good samaritans who got out of their cars and were directing traffic at major intersections. Every time I passed one, I'd yell out the window, "THANK YOU!!!"

in noo yawk??

how is everyone BTW? all ok now?
Gato obviously didn't read the end of my post because that's where I said that my power came back on. ;)

I assumed, when it came back on about 8:30pm by me, that everyone was up too. I was wrong. Most of the city is still dark, but areas are coming up slowly. So many people at work still don't have power at their homes, or water. But my building is fine, we're all up and ok. I just heard our Stamford CT corporate office just went out again.

CS, this has potential to be a big deal, bear with me here... First off, there were a lot of people stuck in subways underneath the river or in tunnels, in elevators of high rise buildings, once it got dark and there were no lights, no alarms and not enough police to go around, that's when the looting and the fires started. Brooklyn had the most. Savages. ;)

The response times for emergencies got a hell of a lot longer than usual. People didn't have water or electricity so if they don't have non-perishable food that doesn't need to be heated, what are they going to eat? They can't take showers. The temps rose to 90 yesterday and will go to 95 today, with no a/c. Not to mention that there's no subways so how do you get around? Taxi, bus, walking. All the perishable food is gone, they're trucking in food for people. And the worst, THE WORST of it all... There was a big shortage of COFFEE this morning. Now, you don't normally f**k with NY'ers but without their morning coffee, watch out! :eek: :D

It's not widespread panic, really, but it has potential. Now, out here, on Long Island, it was a lot more calm. No big deal, just inconvenient. I found out when I got to work that I'm one of very few people with power right now. They all resent me for it too. I'm watching my back today. ;)
There are indications it probably "started somewhere in the Midwest, perhaps Ohio," Michehl Gent, president of the North American Electric Reliability Council, said Friday on ABC-TV's "Good Morning America."
Maybe Gonz is right about Ohio. :D
Why should there be mass chaos?

There wasn't. What caused the major problems was 7 million New Yorkers in high rise buildings, subways or driving in a city with lights every 100 yards. When that many people wanna go home, all at once, you have major confusion & gridlock. Same, to a much smaller degree, in Detroit, Cleveland, Erie, Buffalo, Albany & parts of Cananda.

New York needs to be congratulated on it's composure & lack of criminality. Looks like 9/11 hasn't been forgotten completely.
She lives!!!

coffee made on the bbq this morning and the kids are sick of cereal and sammiches but we survived! :D

Luis G said:
No water?? :confuse3:
we HAD water but our city was very close to running out...I bought a just in case jug this morning, and we're still not supposed to flush or do laundry or shower or whatever for a couple days to conserve :eh:
You don't look like a newt.

**Edit - thread reader slipped a cog**

My at home ISP is down for the time being...only playing from work grrr***
Yeah the water thing kinda confused me too. I guess you need electricity to pump all that water to the tops of high rise buildings. And when you don't have electricity, you're depending on the reserve in our water towers. Don't know if they have them everywhere but we have one in just about every town on Long Island. We were trying to conserve too and I guess we'll continue till everyone gets power back.
The water pumps need electricity... and not just the ones to pump the water to the top of the buildings. The big ones that get the water out of the ground or the lake need power too. Why those ones don't have backup diesel generators is beyond me, though.
Glad to see your back up and running Les,wonder how Nixy is fairing?I was watching the Canadian news and there was a lady complaining that her "electric stove "wasn't working so she couldn't cook and she wasn't going to be able to shower,I thought BBQ and swimming pool/lake,glad to see you improvised as well Les. I've gone camping for over a week and managed to survive with sponge baths and cooking over an open fire.I'm just glad this didn't happen during the Winter ,it would have beeen a whole different story. :crying4:
A.B.Normal said:
Glad to see your back up and running Les,wonder how Nixy is fairing?I was watching the Canadian news and there was a lady complaining that her "electric stove "wasn't working so she couldn't cook and she wasn't going to be able to shower,I thought BBQ and swimming pool/lake,glad to see you improvised as well Les. I've gone camping for over a week and managed to survive with sponge baths and cooking over an open fire.I'm just glad this didn't happen during the Winter ,it would have beeen a whole different story. :crying4: the Ice Storm that we had up here ! Ye Gads...didn't have power for 14 days round my place. Military setting up hostels in local schools, doing the rounds and checking houses...kicking peopleout of their own houses if it was too cold. Cold food, no showers, dangerous driving because of the 4 inches of ice all over the roads, dangerous walking because of the trees splitting in two or dropping branches on people's heads. BBQing outdoors in 30 below weather, with freezing rain on your head. AArghhh!!

I had a blast!
MrBishop said: the Ice Storm that we had up here ! Ye Gads...didn't have power for 14 days round my place. Military setting up hostels in local schools, doing the rounds and checking houses...kicking peopleout of their own houses if it was too cold. Cold food, no showers, dangerous driving because of the 4 inches of ice all over the roads, dangerous walking because of the trees splitting in two or dropping branches on people's heads. BBQing outdoors in 30 below weather, with freezing rain on your head. AArghhh!!

I had a blast!

My Wife's grandmother was dying in a hospital at the top of a hill (Montreal General) I remember sliding down towards Guy and de Maisonneuve to get some tim hortons coffee. I didn't lose power for too long, but i had like 20 people come by to my place to warm up, sleep etc. The Ice storm was hell, but fun.

As to the power failure I work for a stockbroker, and all our feeds are still down, it is a quiet day in the office