Gato obviously didn't read the end of my post because that's where I said that my power came back on.
I assumed, when it came back on about 8:30pm by me, that everyone was up too. I was wrong. Most of the city is still dark, but areas are coming up slowly. So many people at work still don't have power at their homes, or water. But my building is fine, we're all up and ok. I just heard our Stamford CT corporate office just went out again.
CS, this has potential to be a big deal, bear with me here... First off, there were a lot of people stuck in subways underneath the river or in tunnels, in elevators of high rise buildings, once it got dark and there were no lights, no alarms and not enough police to go around, that's when the looting and the fires started. Brooklyn had the most. Savages.
The response times for emergencies got a hell of a lot longer than usual. People didn't have water or electricity so if they don't have non-perishable food that doesn't need to be heated, what are they going to eat? They can't take showers. The temps rose to 90 yesterday and will go to 95 today, with no a/c. Not to mention that there's no subways so how do you get around? Taxi, bus, walking. All the perishable food is gone, they're trucking in food for people. And the worst, THE WORST of it all... There was a big shortage of COFFEE this morning. Now, you don't normally f**k with NY'ers but without their morning coffee, watch out!
It's not widespread panic, really, but it has potential. Now, out here, on Long Island, it was a lot more calm. No big deal, just inconvenient. I found out when I got to work that I'm one of very few people with power right now. They all resent me for it too. I'm watching my back today.