Mexico is full of druggies


molṑn labé
Staff member
MEXICO CITY — Mexico decriminalized small amounts of marijuana, cocaine and heroin on Friday — a move that prosecutors say makes sense even in the midst of the government's grueling battle against drug traffickers.

In the interest of thinning the herd, I'm all for it. However, in the best interest of the nation & it's neighbors to the north, it's a questionable move. Now, all those movies with the Mexicans napping in their serapes will a different connotation.

Running out of space in the jails for the minor users. Save space for the pushers and drug-runners...makes sense. They can always change the law back when (if) they get the drugs under control.

I doubt that it'll impact you all that much, Gonz.
I don't see much of an issue in it, at least the pot aspect. Obviously, with limited law enforcement and correctional facility resources, emphasis should be placed on violent crimes and serious drug offenses, not simple possession.

Should a guy running around with a few kilos of heroin in his trunk get jailed? I think so. But should some kid with a gram or two of weed in his pocket get the same treatment? I don't think it's the same thing.

On the other hand, I don't think cocaine and heroin should be treated as nonchalantly as pot. I've met several guys who did a lot of pot in high school and college, and most of them were fully capable of getting good grades and keeping a normal mental function, while toking up on the weekends. But I don't think those harder, more addictive drugs lend themselves as well to casual use. A fratboy who gets stoned with his buddies and then eats a bag of potato chips while watching a dumb movie isn't much of a threat to the safety of others, as long as he isn't driving.
Should a guy running around with a few kilos of heroin in his trunk get jailed? I think so. But should some kid with a gram or two of weed in his pocket get the same treatment? I don't think it's the same thing.


Are they both not drug crimes? Isn't the likelihood of increasing drug use, more often than not, started as a kid with a bag of dope? How about levels of heroin? Cocaine.

Legalize 'em or don't. Just don't make distincitons.
So since alcohol is legal we should make everything legal right? Or alcohol shouldn't be legal either.
Well, spike, we already tried that. Only thing that came out of it was the beginning of organized crime.
Yeah, I was just trying to clarify his position.

Seems alcohol and marijuana should certainly be legal. Not so sure about meth and herion.
Well, spike, we already tried that. Only thing that came out of it was the beginning of organized crime.

Geez at least try and get your history straight!

Prohibition spawned organized crime, and repeal of prohibition just made the mobsters have to branch out into other ventures. Prohibition breeds crime, PERIOD!
So since alcohol is legal we should make everything legal right? Or alcohol shouldn't be legal either.

Alcohol is legal.

Illicit drugs are not.

Pot is the same as heroin in the eyes of blind justice.
Alcohol is legal.

Illicit drugs are not.

Pot is the same as heroin in the eyes of blind justice.

Maybe "blind justice' whatever the hell that is, but in just about every state pot is a misdemeanor and heroin a felony. There is medical pot and medical heroin, (Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, and so many more) and felony heroin, so in the eyes of the actual law, there is quite a difference.
I don't think making pot illegal has stopped people using it - instead, it means that drug dealers can make lots of money off of it, and there's no regulation or quality control.
I don't think making pot illegal has stopped people using it - instead, it means that drug dealers can make lots of money off of it, and there's no regulation or quality control.

All I'm saying is there is no valid argument for there being more crime if drugs were legal. Alcohol was legal, and then when it wasn't all of a sudden, that gave birth to La Cosa Nostra. A different kind of crime may take place, but if you went retroactive on drug laws and freed all those who have no other charge or record of charges aside from directly drug related and soon the prison overcrowding would be but a memory.