Mexico is full of druggies

There is no double standard.

Alcohol is legal.

Marijuana, Heroin & Cocaine are not.
There are three kinds of people in this scenario, Gonz. The first is the person who likes the status quo and, thus, does nothing. The second is the type who expects change to come from elsewhere, and thus, does nothing. The third type will look at the changes they feel should be made, and go about the process to make the change. We all know where we fall now, don't we? ;)
There are three kinds of people in this scenario, Gonz. The first is the person who likes the status quo and, thus, does nothing. The second is the type who expects change to come from elsewhere, and thus, does nothing. The third type will look at the changes they feel should be made, and go about the process to make the change. We all know where we fall now, don't we? ;)

You might know where you fall but you ain't got a fuckin' clue as to where most of the rest of us do! You may think you do but don't flatter yourself because you don't.
You might know where you fall but you ain't got a fuckin' clue as to where most of the rest of us do! You may think you do but don't flatter yourself because you don't.

I never said where you fall. Perhaps you'd care to explain why you are such a great mind reader to be able to glean that from my earlier post. Otherwise, you can do everyone a favor and try to behave with at least a modicum of your 'high IQ'. ;)
I'm sorry, I can never tell when it is you or your monumental ego speaking....


I really don't mean that as personally as it sounds, and I am sure I could be blamed for the same at times, it was meant as sarcasm and irony, and perhaps a tiny hint of hopeful constructive criticism.

Death Row Records did have a valid point when they released this song (Stranded On Death Row).
Bushwick Bill said:
Yo, now you know the path I'm on
You think you're strong, see if you can travel on
Cause only the weak, will try to speak
Those who are quiet, will always cause riots
There's three types of people in the world
Those who don't know what happened
Those who wonder what happened
And people like us from the streets that MAKE things happen!

It's kind of the same everywhere....

Just so you know, as verbose as I am here, I always have been reserved and quiet in person, if that says anything....
That said I urge everyone to get involved, it is the only influence we have other than a vote. Buy them stamps because it's all about the snail mail baby!
There are three kinds of people in this scenario, Gonz. The first is the person who likes the status quo and, thus, does nothing. The second is the type who expects change to come from elsewhere, and thus, does nothing. The third type will look at the changes they feel should be made, and go about the process to make the change. We all know where we fall now, don't we? ;)

Make it 4 types...those who don't have a dog in the hunt. I see problems arising from the legalization of drugs. I also don't think it's their job to babysit us. The status quo isn't a problem to me & changing it will have no affect.
There is no double standard.

Alcohol is legal.

Marijuana, Heroin & Cocaine are not.

Yes, they have made a distinction between drugs there Gonz. Either you're for them being able to make distinctions like they currently have or you're against it. Are you for or against the current distinction they have made with alcohol?

Man up and answer the question.
You haven't. Quit being evasive.

Do you approve of the current distinction that has been made with alcohol or not?
spike you should know by now that parrots don't make such distinctions or consider possibilities beyond what big daddy tells them is the law, regardless of whether it makes sense.

Are they both not drug crimes? Isn't the likelihood of increasing drug use, more often than not, started as a kid with a bag of dope? How about levels of heroin? Cocaine.

Legalize 'em or don't. Just don't make distincitons.

OK then if they might let me get away with hitting someone if I was provoked, why not murder if I was REALLY provoked?
spike you should know by now that parrots don't make such distinctions or consider possibilities beyond what big daddy tells them is the law, regardless of whether it makes sense.

Thats why there is a mechanism to change those laws. If you aren't using that mechanism, then you have no legal grounds to complain if you get busted. As long as you persist in saying that people are 'parrots' that only listen to 'big daddy', you constipate your own thinking. Until you start behaving 'responsibly', then you are nothing more than a whiner who does not have the ability to rise above such whining to make a change. You want to smoke a doobie? Go through the process to legalize it rather than breaking the law by smoking it...but that requires something, innit?
Let me ask you this, mostly because I want to hear what kind of stupid and moronic answers I'll get. When have you ever seen a pothead ride that pony to desperation and skid row? When have you ever seen pot alone cause someone to rob houses to support the habit?

Geez there is no difference huh?

Then why is the maximum penalty for pot one day in jail and a $200 fine? It isn't even a gross misdemeanor, just a garden variety one. Yet possession of anything else is a felony? Seems to me, that by the law, it is seen as a lesser evil, that society doesn't mind it as bad.

Don't start giving me any shit about if I want to smoke pot, then blah, blah, blah blah....I have no desire to, I have not done so since 2006. I just think it is ridiculous to waste law enforcement's time on it. For some of us, me included it can be a gateway, yet so can alcohol. For most folks who smoke it it is a non-issue.
Let me ask you this, mostly because I want to hear what kind of stupid and moronic answers I'll get. When have you ever seen a pothead ride that pony to desperation and skid row?


seriously dude, give up. don't waste your time. obviously, there's a contingent here that's fully committed to phallus worship, to repeating the names of the father, to doing what they are told. don't ask them to think beyond that. just expect them to salute and go marching as the convenient labor force they've been bred to be.

Or change it. If you chose to break a law, then you chose to deal with whatever consequences are in place.

rja-really provoed murder, is STILL ILLEGAL.
There is no double standard.

Alcohol is legal.

Marijuana, Heroin & Cocaine are not.
Mexico just made small amounts of marijuana, heroin and cocaine legal. Just like alcohol. :shrug:
Now... they are legally equal in small amounts.
BTW... if you make a lot of alcohol and sell it without proper governmental blessings, it is ILLEGAL! And you can be sent to prison and/or fined.
Since I don't live in Mexico, I'm not entitled to my say. We had moved that part of the conversation to US laws.

As for alcohol, regulations save us from whom? I've never, not even once, been forced to drink alcohol.